Gender: Female Presenting (she/her, sexless)
Parents: Crystal Song & Speed Processor
Based Off: Lily Blossom
Now to start with the side characters! Lily Blossom is posted first and on her own since she's actually a character I've had for a long time. You'll see her and her parents throughout my gallery over the years! I'm not gonna type out a super long bio for her since honestly the story she comes from needs a ton of revamping and it was all totally not in the best taste. I made that story in middle school/high school lmao. But basically Lily Blossom is part changeling, her mother was infected with a changeling parasite when she was born. That changeling part has been around for a long time but I didn't think to/couldn't implement that into Lily's design very well until now! She's slowly morphed into her own character from exactly how I styled her toy. She was totally my favorite mlp figure I had and her hair got really frizzy from how much I took her places (and I'm sure was part of the inspiration for me to make this verse). I'm happy to have a more unique version of her now, though older elements of her design are certainly there, such as the long back mane and thin tail. Speaking of her mane, it was heavily inspired by those mane 6 changeling designs the gameloft game made! They're pretty, you should check em out. It was certainly a great solution for a changeling/pony hybrid considering their "manes" are very different from one another.