Twilight Velvet is the eldest daughter of the great Bright Star sorceress, she always dreamed of having a big family, and that dream grew when she met the stallion of her dreams, the black magic teacher Night Light, he was so polite, strong and charming, everyone around him fell in love with him, and it was one summer night he asked her to marry him, an ad was beautiful, and on their honeymoon they tried their first child… Twilight Velvet couldn't get pregnant, no matter how try, she doesn't correct having a baby. Her mother helped her looking for spells that she could, and in receiving Zecora's voodoo master, the mother of voodoo Zuri, they got a spell that would make Twilight get pregnant and have a child, that's how Dark Night was born.
The mare on Night Light's side is his younger sister, Nachtlicht, a batpony who is part of a punk band. And the mare next to Twilight Velvet is her mother, Bright Star.
Nachtlicht and Bright Star are inspired by G1, Nachtlicht and Twilight pony respectively.