Born to Silly


Originally posted on: December 17, 2021, 7:30 PM UTC
> WOD/Chaosverse- Pascal
> The first kid ref, I will be doing them in the same order I did the mane 6 in so next is Reign Shine! Another thing I forgot to mention on the sneak peak picture, Discord and his kids don't get cutiemarks. So instead of a cutiemark on the ref, I'm going to do a height comparison with their mother. To get better feedback and suggestions on the AU I will ask a question on each of the kiddos refs. Do you like Flurry Heart with an elegant and regal personality or a badass warrior princess vibe?
> Pascal: Son of Queen Twilight Sparkle and Lord Discord
> -Has no magical abilities whatsoever
> -A bit of a book-nerd but loves the stars and astronomy
> -Has a strong connection to his mother
> Pascal is Discord's second born child but first son. His animal parts include an owl and a lion, which makes him look very similar to a griffin. However with all draconiqui half breeds the mother can affect what animals the foal will turn out to be. Twilight has a strong connection to owls but the power of a lioness.
> Pascal however has no powers or magic. He can fly, that's it. This definitely left both Twilight and Discord frustrated as they kept waiting for his first spell. Pascal is a quiet foal who, like his mother, loves books. But unlike his mother he prefers fantasy, adventure, and action books over any history or spell book. He is closest to his sister Netherstorm, that's probably because their mothers are so close, but Netherstorm and Pascal both love astronomy and the stars. They could spend hours looking up at them while Twilight arranged them. When they were little, Twilight made a tiny bat-owl constellation for them. Pascal doesn't like fighting at all, mostly because he has many large and sharp lion-like teeth in his mouth. This caused many difficulties when he was a foal, not only did Twilight and Pinkie Pie get bit often, they didn't know what he was supposed to eat. He often refused pony food and they could rarely get him to eat. This made him very weak as a foal but Twilight took him outside at night to the Canterlot Gardens where his "predator instincts" kicked in and much to the dismay of Fluttershy, who happened to be there with Pandi too, he caught and ate a mouse. He doesn't eat every day but makes trips at sunset every few days to hunt with Reign Shine. He taught Reign how to hunt when upon the dismay of Rarity when they learned she too ate like a carnivore. Like his brother Callery, he feels like something is calling to him from outside Canterlot. While Callery feels this pull South, Pascal feels it to the North. Twilight believes this may have something to do with Shining Armor. Who vanished with the Crystal Empire shortly after Discord's reign started. Pascal and Pandi are often the test subjects of whatever Hope is working on, wether it be a new fur dying powder or mane growth potion. Both Pascal and Hope are part lion, so Hope deems it fit that Pascal help him. The queer cub often subjecting them to all sorts of girly things. Pandi doesn't mind as long as they can take it off afterward. Rarely they are accompanied by Reign Shine and Netherstorm when Netherstorm loses a bet and is forced to be Reign's giant living manequin(I don't think I spelled that right but I will fix it later)


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