Born to Silly


Originally posted on: December 23, 2021, 5:15 AM UTC
> WOD/Chaosverse- Callery
> Sorry it's been a bit since the last ref but I had a few things I had to finish first but next is Callery's adopted brother Hope! For this ref's question: Would you guys be interested if I opened commissions here? Typically I don't mention it unless I'm asked about it but if that is something you guys might be interested in please let me know!
> Callery: Son of Applejack and Lord Discord
> -Adopted by Pinkie Pie
> -Despite their differing personalities, if you see Callery then Hope is nearby
> -Has vitiligo
> When Discord asked Applejack about a foal she said yes, not knowing how she would feel about it afterward. During her pregnancy she couldn't work or compete. After she married Discord, she worked in the castle gardens and got to compete in rodeos in Canterlot. Pinkie was also pregnant at the same time. She would talk on and on about how they would raise them together like Twilight and Rainbow Dash did. Applejack was horribly bored for most of her pregnancy. Even though her friends tried to show her many other hobbies she could do, she shut down all of them. Her boredom was Discord's fault, he should fix it. A baby draconiqui's animals are affected by the mother and all Applejack wanted to do was go home to her farm and run as far and as fast as she could from Discord so it made sense that Callery was born with the animals cow and cheetah. When she had him all she saw was Discord, just another spawn of chaos that wouldn't exisit if Discord's hadn't ruined their lives. She hated him and everything he stood for. She completely pushed him away and got rid of him the first chance she got. She gave him to Pinkie Pie after she lost Wish Pie and she ran. She ran as far and as fast as she could get from Discord, and her beloved Rarity. She was going to end her friends' misery. Callery was raised by Pinkie Pie along with Hope. Pinkie didn't hide that fact that he wasn't her biological foal from him but made sure he always knew that she wanted him even if Applejack didn't. Pinkie adored Hope and Callery. She would take them everywhere in Canterlot and Discord even let her take them to visit her family on the rock farm. She enjoyed every milestone with her foals, from their first steps to their first spells. Callery discovered he had the ability to melt into shadows and travel to other shadows. This was a very useful ability…sometimes. Hope found this ability to be very entertaining and useful while Reign found it creepy. It wasn't until Hope and Callery were near teens that Hope discovered his powers to make things appear out of thin air. Hope loves Callery's fluffy tail and gave Callery his red bow, something Callery cherishes. Callery and Pandi are the more chill over chaotic kids and can often be found napping in the gardens together. Callery has a good relationship with his sister Netherstorm and the two are looking forward to meeting Rainbow's new foal. Shortly after Hope got his powers Callery started to feel a pull South from Canterlot. He learned Pascal also started to feel a pull, but his was from the North. Callery feels like it may have something to do with Applejack but he doesn't want to deal with it and knows Pascal feels like he needs to know why he is being called. Like their father, they made a deal: if one desides to leave and find out what it is, the other is going. Pascal thinks it's his lost uncle but made Callery promise not to tell anyone, even Hope.
> Fun Facts:
> (A few more facts about the character!)
> -Callery can balance on his front legs
> -Slowly his white patches keep becoming bigger
> -The marks under his eye are shaped like apples and are where the vitiligo started


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