
The Charmings enter a tavern to find Captain Hook and get his help to get to the Evil Queen's castle by sea.

Charming: Are you still sure about this, Snow? I mean, what if this Hook guy doesn't want to help us?

Snow White: I know pirates are not the most trustworthy people, but if want to get passed the Evil Queen's defenses, we need to get to her by ship. Defeating her is our only chance. Trust me, we'll convince him to take us.

Charming: Do you know what he looks like?

Snow White: No, but we can ask around.

Charming looks around and spots Hook's first mate Mr. Smee and asks.

Charming: You, pirate.

Mr. Smee: Huh?

Charming: Are you the captain of a ship called the "Jolly Roger?"

Mr. Smee: Well, how kind of you to ask. I always thought I exuded authority.

Captain Hook: He's not the Captain.

Hook gets up from his chair and turns and faces the Charmings.

Captain Hook: I am.

Charming: You… look younger than I expected.

Captain Hook: I get that a lot. Allow me to introduce myself. Killian Jones, but everyone calls me Captain Hook. And you two must be the charmings.

Snow White: Listen, we need your help.

Charming: We need you to take us to the Evil Queen so we can save our daughter.

Snow White: We're prepared to you pay for this journy.

Charming tosses a pouch with coin to hook and says.

Charming: This is just a taste. So what do you say? Silver, gold, jewels?

For a moment Hook doesn't speak but then Hook does speak.

Captain Hook: You really think I'm the pirate who only cares about riches?

Hook starts to sing

*Captain Hook: My dear Prince and Princess
Your offer is meaningless
Don’t give a damn ‘bout your rank
The gold in your sack, well it isn’t worth jack
I should make you fools go walk the plank
Your riches would fill other pirates with glee
But none of those pirates are me*

Pirates: They’re not he

Captain Hook: So, singin’ yo ho, keep your jewels divine

Pirates: Yo ho

*Captain Hook: And your manners refined
'Cause even more precious than rum in a stein is
Revenge, revenge, revenge, and it’s gonna be mine*

Pirates: Revenge, revenge, revenge

Captain Hook: Is gonna be mine

Snow White: Revenge? On whom?

Captain Hook: Wait for the second verse, love.

*Captain Hook: I’ve savaged and pillaged and pilfered each village
My conquest I’m justly proud of*

Pirates: He’s proud of

*Captain Hook: Each town that I plunder, I leave torn asunder
A pirate’s life is one to love*

*Pirates: One to love

Captain Hook: And yet my heart’s hardened as hard as a rock
Won’t rest ‘til I skin me a croc*

Pirates: Gonna skin him a croc

*Captain Hook: Singin' yo ho! You can beg, plead, and whine
But yo ho – you’ll are wasting your time
That croc got my hand – wanna tear out his spine
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine *

Pirates and Captain Hook: Revenge, revenge, revenge

Captain Hook: Is gonna be mine

Snow White: So you want revenge on the crocodile
For taking your hand?

Captain Hook: I'm afraid he did more than that.

Captain Hook: Once I sailed toward a horizon

Pirates: Horizon

*Captain Hook: Where I might find happiness waiting
Until that croc*

Captain Hook and Pirates: Destroyed my life

*Captain Hook: And filled me with hate unabating
Some say*

Captain Hook and Pirates: "Let it go"

Captain Hook: But I say

Captain Hook and Pirates: "Hell no!"

*Captain Hook: I’m finally on the right path!!!
Soon the dark one will feel*

Pirates: He will feel

Captain Hook: The fire of this pirate’s wrath

*Pirates: Feel the fire of his
Feel the fire of his*

Snow White: Wait, did you say the dark one?

Charming: I think I know why you haven't been able to find him
We have him in our dungeon.

Captain Hook: Bloody hell.

Snow White: Captain, give us safe passage to the Queen's castle and you've got yourself a crocodile.

Captain Hook: Aye, love, you got a deal
Have one last drink, mates
Then we've got a date with destiny!

Captain Hook: Singin

Captain Hook and Pirates: Yo ho

Captain Hook: I'll slaughter this swine

Captain Hook and Pirates: Yo ho – must be fate's design

*Captain Hook: At last, our tales will again intertwine
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine*

Pirates: Revenge, revenge, revenge

*Captain Hook: Oh, it's gonna be
Oh, it's gonna be*

*Pirates: Revenge, revenge, revenge
It's gonna be*

*Captain Hook: Oh it's gonna be
Oh, it's gonna be*

Pirates: Revenge, revenge, revenge

Captain Hook: Oh, it's gonna be mine!

Hook and the Pirates finish singing and everyone leaves the tavern.

I felt I had to make this crossover because I love Once Upon a Time and My Little Pony. Yes I used Shining Armor and Princess Cadance for the Charmings and that I used the tf2 mercs for Hook and his crew.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic ©Hasbro Studios

Once Upon a Time and the song Revenge is gonna be mine ©Disney

Team Fortress 2 ©Valve

Maps and Models used:
Tomasz Hajto's SKYRIM Tavern! Feel like dragonborn
The Freakin' Scout's A Spy!'s Sniper's Improved Bodygroups
Yakuza Merkitzi's TF2 Hex: Rum Runner's Raiments
TooL's Pirate Hook
БорисКупиМомчик's TF2 Cosmetics and Weapons Spawnlist
Moon. Battlefield 1 models: DLC Melee weapons
Captainshaun Pirate Ship Wars 2 Content
MistPony's Shining Armor & Princess Cadance
Moon. Demon's Souls Models: Weapons and Shields PROPs
Rebbacus's Maskless Spy Model
PreciousSkipy's TF2 Hex: The Petty Tyrant
Saltinnee's Sea of Thieves Props Pack

Song link:…


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