> Gift: Haywire
> Ever since I heard Vindhov wasn't feeling so well I've working hard on and off on this FUNFACT: I drew this as a sketch about a year ago haha because I just love Sara's art so so much! you are extremely talented, girl! )
> I Love Haywire! she was the character that grabbed my attention! (at first) then I saw all your amazing works and other characters, I was like "I need to watch this AWESOME ARTIST!!" <33 but I just thought she was so unique for a RainbowCord baby and I just love her story and personality![Llama Emoji-21 (Speechless) [V1]](https://www.deviantart.com/jerikuto/art/Llama-Emoji-21-Speechless-V1-413891856)
> [Stars](https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer/art/Stars-743318465) I really hope you are feeling better, Sara~ and I truly hope this puts a smile on her face!! you deserve happiness! Stay strong, friend<3[:Mable-plz:](https://www.deviantart.com/mable-plz/art/Mable-plz-438836382) [Stars](https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer/art/Stars-743318465)
> I seriously hope you ENJOY![Llama Emoji-22 (Waving) [V1]](https://www.deviantart.com/jerikuto/art/Llama-Emoji-22-Waving-V1-413892078) [LazyIcon I wanna use — 11 heart](https://www.deviantart.com/jeyawue/art/LazyIcon-I-wanna-use-11-heart-632462947)
> Haywire Belongs to: [Vindhov](https://www.deviantart.com/vindhov)
> Art By: [Ask-Y](https://www.deviantart.com/ask-y) (me)
> (Do not Copy/Steal the art.)