> MLP [Next Gen] Starlet
> *I n f o r m a t i o n
> Name: Starlet
> Gender: female
> Species: unicorn
> Age: 10
> Personality: very cute, not stupid (but not too smart), beauty
> Mother: Sweetie Belle**
> Father: Button Mash**
> Siblings: ———————
> Short bio: Starlet loves to dress up, and even more his hat. She took this addiction from Applejack and now does not part with this hat.
> She is the president of a new team Cutiemark Croseders, because she is the most beautiful and moderately smart.
> From the first meeting with Happy, she disliked him, because his colors are dirty and not nice. But she argued with David that she would meet with Happy until graduation.
> Since then, she has met with Happy. Over time, she became attached to him and fell in love***
> **
> Art by [DinkyDooLove](https://www.deviantart.com/dinkydoolove)
> Base by [Alina-Brony29](https://www.deviantart.com/alina-brony29)
> [Base #6](https://www.deviantart.com/alina-brony29/art/Base-6-766705746)