> This is an idea that I've had circulating in my mind for a long time now. Ever since I released that drawing where I gave Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow a happy ending, it's been brought up many times in discussion of what take I or others would give for the season 9 finale since it seemed a good majority of folks weren't completely satisfied with the ending of the series. So for my take, I brought back the "Real" Grogar. > > To summarize this little amateur rewrite of mine, Grogar brings together the previous major villains of the series, and commands them to work together in order to retake Equestria. King Sombra of course sees right through Grogar's ruse and, out of skepticism/arrogance, tries and fails to take over the kingdom himself. With Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow remaining, the three retrieve his bell, but are instantly betrayed upon it's return. Grogar instead uses the bell to steal their magic, and create a new monster army. Reluctantly, the villainous trio form a temporary alliance with the Mane 6 and their friends, but it may be too late as Grogar, now a gigantic, beastly behemoth, begins to rain destruction on the kingdom. > > Maybe I went a bit too hard on Grogar's monster design (He looks like he walked right out of Shadow of the Colossus), but either way that's my idea. I'll expand on this in other drawings another time.