Born to Silly


Edit, 06/03/22: Updated design and anatomy for this girl!~

Felt like Pinkie didn't have enough kids, so meet Key Lime Pie!
Despite her dull coat, I love her palette — I love dull colors~

Bullet; Blue
Key Lime Pie
"There's nothing like a good pie to make you smile"
Parents: Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich
Species: Earth Pony/Mare.
Anatomy: Short, Buff, Smooth coat and mane (she curls her mane)
Cutie Mark: A Key Lime Pie.
Occupation: The main pie-maker at Sugar Cube Corner — she excels at most pies, but key lime is her masterpiece.
Nickname(s): Key, KK, Limey.

- Mannered, Controlled and introverted
- Insecure about certain things
- Sort of a control-freak

Key Lime Pie takes after her grandparents and aunts, and has a much more dull coat than her mother and siblings. She curls her mane, which is naturally straight/at most wavy, to fit in with her family and is a little insecure about it being flat.
Key Lime loves baking pies, and her pies are to die for! She masters most pie recipes, and it's her dream to open up a pie-shop in Manehatten.

She does enjoy baking other sorts of sweets with her siblings, but she feels like pies are the only sweets worth making an effort for.

Key Lime Pie is the second born child of Pinkie and Cheese, and she's got the stature of a miner. With strong legs, a broad chest and muscled physique, she's perfect for carrying bags of flour and sugar around the bakery.
She likes baking bread and pie more than cake, and really enjoys experimenting with batters and dough. She's very well-mannered, always in control and calm. She enjoys spending time on her own, perfecting her recipes, and doesn't really like social events.

She doesn't have a "party-mode" like her mother or siblings, and takes after her grandparents more than her actual parents. Pinkie and Cheese do love her equally to her siblings, and just wants their daughter to be who she is — but Key really does feel insecure and out of place sometimes.

Key wants what's best for her community, and she does a lot of charity work in Ponyville.

- Key Lime is a little insecure when it comes to her family — with her mother being Pinkie Pie, she feels like she has such a big reputation to uphold, especially when it comes to her pastries.

- Key Lime is actually very strong for her small size, and she can haul several barrels of sugar around — comes from her ancestors being miners.

- She loves hanging around her aunt, Marble Pie, to discuss the intricate nature of rocks and minerals.


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