
As the girl ran out the alley, Sunset rubbed her face to ease some of the pain she had endured during that fight. She then knelt down to pick up her saddlebag, and as she did, was hugged by Lily.

"You're my hero, Sunset. Thank you. And to believe, mom thinks your main specialty is babysitting." Lily said gratefully.

"Well, I kinda just did that here myself, even though I was not assigned to such a job tonight. I couldn't simply see you get robbed, or even worse, hurt by such a thug. I had to do something, even if you're not my daughter." Sunset replied.

"Really selfless of you, Sunset! I'm sure you can become a wonderful mother someday yourself!" Lily said with great enthusiasm. "I feel really lucky to have people like you in my life. Just having someone to protect you from the bullies at all times? Such a nice feeling."

"Well… if I'm honest, I wasn't always like this, kid." Sunset said with a bit of disappointment in her voice. "You see, what that girl just did to you, it actually wasn't far off from how I used to be myself. There was actually a time long ago where I only saw making friends as a waste of time, and overall acted like a rather manipulative and selfish person. There's a girl at my school, Fluttershy. I used to steal from her, intimidate her on a daily basis, or even threaten her myself if I didn't get what I wanted. It was not a pretty time for me at all back then."

Lily looked surprised before speaking up. "I never would've guessed that. You seem like such a caring person, Sunset. Are you sure you were as mean as that girl who tried to steal my phone?"

"Maybe not to that extent, but definitely a polar opposite from how I am now." Sunset responded. "As you begin to grow older, you'll learn that things change over time. For better or for worse, but it's the important thing to know how to accept things that have happened, and to learn from these mistakes. Even though Fluttershy and I have become good friends since then, I still feel the need to repay my debt to her for all the times I've bullied her. Although she never asks me to, I sometimes help her out at the animal shelter at my own choice. Not because I actually owe her anything, but because my heart tells me it's right to give her that friend she never had."

"That… sounds so kind of you. I'm glad I have such a caring and thoughtful person as my babysitter." Lily smiled.

"Thanks kid." Sunset said. "It's not really much, but I learned over time that it's nice to have this little philosophy. There's no cost to being nice to others, and every nice thing you do will always find a way to come back to you. I'm really hoping that as you grow up, you won't make the same mistakes I did."

Lily looked to herself first, thinking of how true Sunset's words were, on top of how she practically saved her life, given how dangerous that girl was. Sunset then spoke up again before Lily looked up to her again with a soft expression.

"Come on, kid. Let's get back to your mother, she might be worried sick right now." Sunset said, before Lily tugged on her arm.

"Sunset… if it wasn't for you, I would've been completely robbed, or even hurt back there. And that message you gave me about being kind to others, I really like it. So, here. I want you to have this." Lily took the $50 bill out of her pocket and handed it to Sunset. "I would've lost this money if it hadn't been for you, but I know you could probably put it to better use."

Sunset was incredibly surprised, but on instinct, she rejected. "No, kid, please. I couldn't. I can't take it, it's your money, and you need it much more than I do."

Lily kept on insisting. "Please, I insist. After all, someone just taught me every nice thing I do will find its way back to me. Consider this your babysitting money on such short notice. Plus, I can see that girl ruined your clothes when she was fighting you."

Sunset looked toward her outfit, which did admittedly have noticeable signs of damage from that girl's tackle earlier. But she still hesitated, knowing she'd basically be taking money from a child. But Lily pushed further.

"Please, Sunset. Take this. It's my money, and I want to give it to you for sacrificing yourself, and your clothes back there. I won't take "no" for an answer." Lily said with true insistence.

Sunset, seeing how Lily was feeling genuine about this, and how she was following the message she had spoken about earlier, finally took the $50 bill before patting Lily on the head for her selflessness in return for her own. "Thanks kid, I always knew you were a good girl." As the two girls smiled toward each other. But Sunset then realized something she had forgotten to ask much earlier.

"By the way, Lily, what happened exactly? I'm guessing you were eating out with your mother, before that girl snatched your phone as your mother went to use the restroom?" Sunset questioned.

"Yes, I was so shocked when that happened." Lily responded. "But that girl was right, I don't know how I'm going to come forward to mom after she saw I disappeared from the restaurant to chase that girl. She might ground me for this…"

Sunset looked at the $50 bill Lily gave her, as Lily moped about how her mother will confront her about running off. She then knelt down to Lily and reiterated what she said earlier.

"Every nice thing you do finds a way to come back to you, right? Come on, I've got a plan." Sunset winked to Lily before they started to head back to the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, Lily's mom was about ready to call the police to report her daughter missing, before Sunset and Lily both appeared behind her. She immediately looked back and confronted them.

"Lily, what is the meaning of this!? I thought someone had kidnapped you! And Sunset, why did you take my daughter out of the restaurant alone at night? You know you're not babysitting tonight!" She also looked at Sunset's damaged state. "And why do you look like you just got out of a fight, Sunset? I demand an explanation, now!"

Sunset tried her best to cover for Lily, so she told her what happened in a slightly different way. "Well, I'm afraid the issue here is, you were not there to protect her, Ma'am. As soon as you went to the restroom, some stranger really did kidnap her. The only reason she's back in one piece is because I was luckily outside and noticed this happening, so I put a stop to it immediately. The stranger did end up fighting me, but I was able to protect Lily, even if you hadn't hired me tonight."

Lily then spoke up. "It's true, mom! Sunset just saved my life! It was that girl who was here and acted rude to us earlier. I tried to say something, but you didn't listen."

Lily's mom looked at Lily's eyes and saw she was genuine about it, and that this wasn't simply a tall tale. Plus, Sunset did look like she had legitimate injuries, to where she eventually concluded they most likely aren't lying. Besides, Sunset has a reputation at being a good babysitter, so she did have some clear reference on her being a person she can trust.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Her mom apologized. "I should've figured leaving Lily alone at the table for a few minutes could've had something like this happen. I really shouldn't have snapped at you two like that, I think it was a momentary buildup of stress in thinking I lost my child. Sunset… thank you. From the bottom of my heart. If I ever need a sitter in the future, I'll be sure to call you first, and I'll make certain to double your pay."

"Happy to hear, Ma'am, but really, I'm mostly happy I could make a difference in the world." Sunset replied.

"Absolutely. Come on, Lily, after this experience, I think we'll mostly stick with at-home dinners from now on." Her mom said as she took Lily's hand and began to walk home together.

As Lily walked back home with her mom, for a moment, she looked back at Sunset and gave a wink to her. Their plan had once again worked. Lily no longer had to worry about eating out and encountering this type of danger, nor the possibility of being grounded for running out of the restaurant alone, and Sunset had a new job opportunity for her legitimate kindness and care for Lily, even when she isn't on the job.

Now after going through this whole ordeal, Sunset decided to perhaps call it a night earlier when she got home. She'll pack her things first thing tomorrow morning, and likely change out of her vest out after the damage done to it by that fierce girl earlier. Sunset had to wonder who exactly that girl was. Was she a juvenile delinquent? Or just some bully who likes the roam the streets at night? She decided to forget about it for now, thinking that she's at least been dealt with, and won't bother anyone for the time being.


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