> Older sister…
> Fluttershy: sweety are you ready to meet your new siblings?
> Nai: I don't know mom… all this situation is kind of awkward…
> Fluttershy: why?, Discord is also your father, plus princess Celestia was happy that you agreed to meet them…
> Nai: is exactly that mom… they are royalty, I'm just… just me… both oh them stopped outside the door
> Fluttershy: sweety… over all we are the same… yaks, ponies, draconequus, griffons and all other creatures… we deserve to be happy, even If sometimes that means we have to overcome problems… Go inside… they are your family too… I'll be waiting for you in our house, I have to go and see how Big Mac is doing with Red and Blossom…
> Nai: ok mom, thanks…
> ———————————————————————————-
> The young draconequus opened the door and there were Celestia, Discord and her siblings… She slowly approached after saying hi to everyone, she leaned down and saw for the fisrt time two little furballs that inmediantely tried to reach her…
> Nai: they… they are perfect…
> Discord: I'm glad that you came…
> Celestia: we were happy when you said you were coming to meet Shadow Sunset and Sunlight Dreams…
> Nai: can I visit them often?
> Celestia: of course dearling, you are always welcome here…
> Nai: playing with them hi little ones I'm your older sister…