> Naima MLP NG
> Name/ nicknames: Naima (Nai)
> Parents: Fluttershy and Discord
> Siblings: Sunlight Dream half sister) / Shadow Sunset (half brother)
> Specie: draconequus/ pegasus hybrid
> Gender: female
> Birth Place: Ponyville
> Residence place: Everfree forest
> Crush: — - — -
> Cutie Mark: none
> Apareance: light brown and white furr, pink mane and tail, turqoise and yellow eyes like a mix of Fluttershy and Discord, white and brown dragon tail, two lion paws and two pony legs, two pegasus wings, two horns, fangs, a small turqoise mane around her neck like sheep wool.
> Personality: calm, sensitive, romantic, quiet, shaman, appreantice to Zecora, nature godess.
> Likes: animals, music, singing, her siblings, family and friends, starberrys, creating potions.
> Dislikes: anypony who treats her family, when her step brother boters her sister, pears, fights, ponies that talk too loud
> Naima me©