> Crystal Star MLP NG
> Name/ nicknames: Crystal Star (Cris/Star)
> Parents: Cadence and Shining Armor
> Siblings: Flurry Heart (sister)
> Specie: pegasus
> Gender: female
> Birth Place: Crystal Empire
> Residence place: Crystal Empire
> Crush: — - — -
> Cutie Mark: a light blue crystal surrounded by two stripes of hot pink magic
> Apareance: white furr, pink, blue, dark blue, sky blue, yellow and magenta mane and tail, skyblue and purple eyes, big wings
> Personality: sweet, outgoing, adventorous, curious
> Likes: creating different objects with crystals, practicing with the royal guards, reading book about crystal gardening in the library
> Dislikes: ponys that dear to say a lie about her family or friends
> Crystal Star me©