"Hmm, this is so good! Luna, how did you convince Pinkie Pie to make this cake again?" Principal Celestia asked through her mouth full of cake.
Vice Principal Luna took a moment to swallow before answering. "Simple. I just told her it was an extra credit end-of-the-school-year assignment. That's usually a good way to get students to do what you want," she smirked.
The three ladies laughed as they continued to spoil themselves in the secrecy of the home economics classroom. Hidden away from the newly-implemented dietary restrictions that's been placed by the district, thanks to a spike in overweight students, it seemed that certain staff members have had difficulties adjusting.
And with the way they've been plumping up, it's been getting even harder to hide it.
“I know these new diet plans aren’t exactly… satisfying,” Cadance said as she stuffed another piece of cake into her mouth, “But don’t you think this might be a bit risky? I mean, what if we get caught? Shouldn't we be setting a good example for the students?”
“There’s nothing to worry about,” Celestia remarked. “We’ll just finish up this half of the cake and leave before anyone gets too suspicious.”
“Besides, there's hardly anyone around during this time,” Luna teased as she sneaked a piece from her sister’s plate.
Suddenly, with a FLASH of light and a CLICK of a camera, they knew had a whole new problem to worry about.
Cadance — 160 lbs
Celestia — 165 lbs
Luna — 170 lbs
Vice Principal Luna took a moment to swallow before answering. "Simple. I just told her it was an extra credit end-of-the-school-year assignment. That's usually a good way to get students to do what you want," she smirked.
The three ladies laughed as they continued to spoil themselves in the secrecy of the home economics classroom. Hidden away from the newly-implemented dietary restrictions that's been placed by the district, thanks to a spike in overweight students, it seemed that certain staff members have had difficulties adjusting.
And with the way they've been plumping up, it's been getting even harder to hide it.
“I know these new diet plans aren’t exactly… satisfying,” Cadance said as she stuffed another piece of cake into her mouth, “But don’t you think this might be a bit risky? I mean, what if we get caught? Shouldn't we be setting a good example for the students?”
“There’s nothing to worry about,” Celestia remarked. “We’ll just finish up this half of the cake and leave before anyone gets too suspicious.”
“Besides, there's hardly anyone around during this time,” Luna teased as she sneaked a piece from her sister’s plate.
Suddenly, with a FLASH of light and a CLICK of a camera, they knew had a whole new problem to worry about.
Cadance — 160 lbs
Celestia — 165 lbs
Luna — 170 lbs
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