
Originally posted on: May 4, 2015, 3:59 AM UTC
> Pen/Marker Challenge — Pax Reading
> Hey guys!! Just a quicky this time.
> Haven't really had the muse for any full out projects, but my good buddy [FaithFirefly]( tagged me to try this challenge of drawing a picture in nothing but pen with NO corrections. I used to draw in nothing but pen for years when I was a kid, and so I thought it'd be fun to see how I'd do!! Of course I drew Prince Pax… my little Dislestia baby is too much fun to draw. I cranked it out in about an hour. 83
> Rules for Challenge (Translated because my handwriting is terrible…)
> — Draw with ONLY pen or marker (no corrections)
> — Show your handwriting
> — Tag friends!!
> I think I'm going to taaaaag…
> [Yoruhoshi]( [Guardian-of-Legends]( [the-dragon-childe]( [Fly-Sky-High]( [JediAnnSolo]( [ToppleTheStrange](
> Hope you guys enjoy!!


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