And yes my muse Petina is not keen with Applebloom's newest trick.
Dirty Deal galloped frantically down one of the numerous back alleys that twist and turn around various boroughs of Canterlot. For the last 30 minutes the unicorn had been in headlong gallop to escape her pursuer.
As she dashed amongst into another dimly lit alley she felt something whip out of the darkness and wrapped around her left hind leg sending her splashing down in a large puddle and sliding across the rain slick cobblestones.
Struggling to get back to her hooves the mare found that something had become wrapped around her leg. Tugging several times failed to free her. Cursing Dirty Deal made her horn flare and a little globule of light appeared giving her a chance to see what was hindering her movement.
The mare found a mass of thin, glistening black strands holding her fast. In spite of her effort's she found herself stuck. In growing frustration she fired an energy blast at it. The strand severed, but to her horror more strands erupted out the shadows and wrapped around both the same leg but also her horn.
With her heart now racing the mare gave a mighty yank which only resulted in her losing her footing and once again she went crashing down on the cobblestones. She screamed as more black strands came lashing out of the various shadows grabbing her legs and leaving her immobilized in the alley.
Then from one of the largest shadows there oozed out a great puddle of utter darkness that suddenly swelled and rose to form a gigantic glistening black spider. The great beast started to advance on the entangled mare. As it did a strange, shimmering yellow-green field burst from it and formed some shimmering bubble around the alley. Then spider began convulsed and twist. Emerging from its glistening black form was the body of a pony. An earth pony filly/young mare. The same pony that had been pursuing her for the last 30 minutes. Slowly and gracefully she detached her body from spider's and then laid down atop the creature's great abdomen. For several seconds she just stared at the bound mare; then she spoke softly.
"Tssk, tssk! Now Dirty Deal. Why didcha run? Did ya think it would do ya any good?"
The act of the filly speaking resulted in Dirty Deal letting loose a mighty scream. Much to her horror she watched as the shimmering field muffled her cry. Her pursuer just shook her hear.
"Now, now! Can't have ya waking the neighbors. They have ta go ta work in the morning. Now, I don't if ya know how I am. After all ya took off like shot from a gun when I first met ya, so let me correct that. Name is Applebloom. And I'm with the Night Court of Princess Luna!"
The filly glanced back at her cutie mark. A black apple with a crescent moon on it and two crossed scythes behind. She resumed speaking. "Now. I've been instructed ta take ya inta custody and bring ya back ta Royal Palace for a whole heap of questioning! Ya got quite list of charges against ya. So I hope ya had no plans fer tomorrow because I reckon yer gonna be busy fer awhile!"
In one smooth motion Applebloom slid off the spider and started walking toward the mare. The giant spider followed a couple steps behind. Dirty Deal tried to shoot an energy beam at the filly but not only did the strands around her horn keeping from getting an aim, but she felt the pulse of her magic just seem to flow into the strands. The filly shook her slowly and came to a stop into front her. For the first time the unicorn noticed that both the filly's eyes and her red bow were emitting a softer version of the same yellow-green field. In a soft but cold voice she spoke.
"Dirty Deal. By the powers entrusted ta me by the Kingdom of Equestria and the Night Court of Princess Luna. I hereby take ya inta custody and will now take ya back ta Royal Palace where ya will formally charged. Now let's get ya ready fer travel!"
As Applebloom said this giant spider seemed to fall apart and turn into thousands of tiny, glistening version of the larger spider. This then scurried toward Dirty Deal.