
Originally posted on: August 30, 2017, 5:18 PM UTC
> Creature sine Core — closed specie
> Traits:
> 🟢 — common
> :bulletyellow: — uncommon
> 🔴 — rare
> 🔵 — mythic
> Male 🟢
> Female :bulletyellow:
> Unicorn :bulletyellow:
> Pegasus 🔴
> Hair
> — short hair 🟢
> — long hair :bulletyellow:
> Eyes
> — normal eyes 🟢
> — crystal eyes :bulletyellow:
> — black eyes 🔴
> — all black eyes 🔵
> Eye color:
> — yellow orange or red 🟢
> — purple or brown :bulletyellow:
> — any of other colors 🔴
> Tail
> — big crystals 🟢
> — crystal cluster :bulletyellow:
> — small crystals :bulletyellow:
> — Big crystal in "one way" 🔵
> Hooves:
> — one crystal 🟢
> — elegant crystals :bulletyellow:
> — crystal cluster 🔴
> Extra crystals on
> — tail :bulletyellow:
> — back hooves :bulletyellow:
> — ears 🔴
> — body 🔵
> — ass 🔵
> Inhabitants: (body like averenge male (or female), kinda taller)
> Every common thing is a 10 points.
> Every uncommon thing is a 20 points.
> Every rare thing is a 40 points.
> Every mythic thing is a 100 points.
> Traders: (body like zephyr breezee)
> Every common thing is a 7 points.
> Every uncommon thing is a 15 points.
> Every rare thing is a 30 points.
> Guards/ Warriors: (body like big mac)
> Every common thing is a 15 points.
> Every uncommon thing is a 25 points.
> Every rare thing is a 45 points.
> Generals: (body like shining armor (or twilight))
> Every common thing is a 20 points.
> Every uncommon thing is a 25 points.
> Every rare thing is a 50 points.
> Every mythic thing is a 150 points.
> Like:
> Common tail 20
> Common eye 20
> Common hooves 20
> Common hair 20
> Uncommon eye color 25
> Mythic ass crystals 150
> (if females, + 20)
> In total 275 for a general CsC.
> Some info about every type:
> — Generals: They're very inteligent, smart and cunning, they've slim but strong body (less than a warrior or guard).
> — Warriors, guards: Not very smart but not a idiots, They've hard crystals, strong and big body.
> — Traders: They're very very lazy but they can be very fast. They are short and have long legs.
> — Inhabitants: Good fighters too, they love working
> DuH:
> — 70% boy 30% girl or 70% girl 30% boy.
> — They must have light body color.
> — Wings look kinda like bat wings but made of crystals
> — Horn can't be straight
> — They are mostly mean, rude, cunning, nasty, annoying, perfidious ect.
> — They don't like to talk much.
> — Their name is from that, they mostly don't use any of good emotions, they are just thinking crystals.
> — They live mostly in caves, mountains
> — They are "made" from dead ponies to protect their land and Queen.
> — They have a big ruby that keeps them alive.
> — Because of Atlum (Ruby) in Surgentubis (mountain) they have a red (+ orange or yellow) colored eyes.


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