It's been a while. Wow, about a month… Crazy time we live in, huh. Anyone can just perish with no trace. For any of a hundred reasons. I got the "crown" a month ago, took some times to recover. And then this… war… Never know if tomorrow comes. Insane villains are ready to destroy the whole planet for their fun. Never heard so much lies and propaganda from everywhere at once. And the worst thing is simple people suffer. Many die. And looks like I'm still here…
I don't know if it's appropriate to keep drawing at times like this. Then again, it reminds me of Blitzball of FFX and what Wakka said. It's the only time. People cheer with all their hearts, warriors protect the stadium with all their might. People need good emotions.
"I want my journey to be full of laughter"
For those not familiar with the FFX, the pyreflies are dead people in that universe. Moonflow is a place at the swamps where they appear a lot. It's a beautiful story. And sad. The game is like 20 years old, come on, it's one of the best in the world, gotta know the classics. Watch a no-comment walk-through, I dunno.
I know some people from Ukraine. It's monstrous that something like that can still happen in a civilized world, where people are united and educated. Whoever really pulls the strings from their shadows and make it all happen shall be cursed forever. Their crime is against the whole humanity and intelligent life itself.
And I have to start over again. If I can find any cheer inside of me to do that. This all harms my ability to draw a lot. I'm a wimp like that. It's silly to whine about art, there are bigger problems today… But… you know, it's my life. It's also being taken from me. Less blood, same tragedy. And who knows where bombs fly tomorrow… I honestly didn't think I'd survive the disease. It already feels like living a borrowed time.