RD, Dash, Dashinator
She/her, Bi
Partners: Double Diamond [seperated], Dumbbell
Children: Hopscotch [step-daughter], Pastel Sails [DD and RD's son], Nimbus Glide [Dumb and RD's son]
Rainbow Dash is the brash, hotheaded Captain of The Wonderbolts and Element of Loyalty.
Since the day she was born, all she's wanted to do is compete and show the world what kind of mare she is. Her skills rival anything Equestria had seen up to this point but it took her years to get the discipline to be considered for Equestria's elite team known as The Wonderbolt.
Now, her name alone can fill out Equestria's largest stadiums while the streets outside are usually flooded with adoring fans. Her face is on billboards everywhere and she does sponsor ads for sporting gear, PSA's and sports drinks. Dash is a cultural icon and Equestrian population can't get enough of her.
While this fame and fortune has only inflated her already gigantic ego, she's still relatively down-to-earth and playful with her loved one.
Family life:
-Rainbow Dash's relationship with Double Diamond was that of an on-and-off open affair that led to the creation of Pastel Sails. In the end, these two didn't feel much passion to remain a unite front as DD didn't like what the fame was doing to Dash. She became more conceited and distant with him and when Pastel was conceived she aggressively blamed DD. The relationship had it's issues on both ends before this but in the end this aggression caused a lot of resentment and they split. Nowadays the two are cold but cordial with each other. Dash did apologize to DD and DD accepted the apology and reasons that the whole event was clearly difficult on both of them.
-Dumbbell was one of Dash's other partners when she and DD where together. Their relationship was more playfully combative and Dash even met Dumbbell's daughter. Unfortunately Dumbbell was married and in a supposed monogamous relationship with Lightning Dust at the time. When Lightning figured out that Dumbbell was dating Dash she left him and her daughter Hopscotch. Dash was pregnant at the time and while both Dummy and Dash knew the baby wasn't his, they kept in contact. After Pastel was born, Dash moved back to Ponyville and her and Dummy started up their relationship again.
In the end, Dash married Dummy and adopted Hopscotch.
The two have a very strong relationship and Dummy is always by her side at events. He trains with her, cheers her on and is overall a great source of support. Dash adores him and showers him in presents and praise.
-Hopscotch has an odd relationship with Dash. It's founded on guilt as Dash feels extremely guilty knowing her relationship with Dummy left Hopscotch without a mom. As such, Dash almost overdoes it and spoils Hops silly. Quick passes at amusement parks, VIP access for concerts, an unlimited credit card and mountains of presents. It's not a healthy relationship most of the time but she does genuinely enjoy her time with Hops. The two love stunt flying and both collect playing cards for their past favourite flyers in the Wonderbolt Hall of Fame. Hops isn't nearly as talented a flyer as Dash but she tries endlessly to emulate her hero. She is however an amazing graffiti artist. Dash always hooks Hopscotch up with well-paying jobs to paint murals as to foster Hops own identity.
While there's a lot of love in their relationship, guilt is the biggest driver for their relationship.
-Pastel Sails didn't meet Dash until he was 7 years old. The Mane 5 didn't know he existed as Dash spent 6 months "away on tour" when the bump started to show. When they learnt about him, AJ was the one to push Dash to meet him. In truth, Pastel had always known who his mother was and knew she didn't want him. This has caused him to resent her before even meeting her. He's very shy around her which is not like him at all. When she calls on him, he's there because even though he's hurt she didn't want him, he still thinks her should build a relationship with her. Dash was surprised when she learnt that Pastel was a talented gold medal holding surfer for his age group. He's successful and sporty, everything Rainbow wanted from any kid of hers. She's begun attending his competitions and cheering him on and the support has warmed Pastel Sails to her.
There relationship has a long way to go but they are both trying to improve it.
-Nimbus Glide is only a wee baby and Dummy does most of the rearing. Nim is a smiling sweet little creature and he adores being cuddled and stories. Dash often flies around him and fake boxes with Dummy. This causes Nimbus to giggle and squeal with delight. He's a big lover of slapstick comedy! He likes to chew on Dash's tail and they learnt why when his first word was "Skittles" or well "Skipples"…