
> Shredd Tone said:
> Well, there's nothing else to it then, is there? To Ponyville we go, once again. Who knows who'll we will meet there. Then again, maybe asking the Princess for any information on the mysterious alchemist may help.

Everfree Forest Random encounter: 10

After discussing it with your party, you reason that either way starts you off in Ponyville. With that in mind, you suggest getting ready to travel there.

Hoofingold: "Whether or not you succeed, know that you have an old stallion's gratitude all the same. In fact, while you're off doing that, I'll work on getting a formal invitation ready, just in case. Best of luck out there, little heroes!"

You thank Hoofingold for his time, and after bidding him farewell, you exit the town hall.

Apple Basket: "That medicine sounds awfully hard to come by. We might have our work cut out for us."

Moonflower: "Yuh uh! And we gotta be back in Starfalls Town before sunset for the ritual, too."

Apple Basket: "Shoot, that's right. You sure you should be comin' along?"

Moonflower: "Super sure! I jus' gotta put my mantle somewhere safe so it won't get messy. Can I leave it at your house, Blazer?"

You nod, and after making a quick detour by your house to drop some items off, you hit the road in the direction of Ponyville.

As you trot along the well-beaten dirt path, a gentle wind blows grassy waves across the rolling hills to the west. Soon, you make your way northward, and enter the mysterious Everfree Forest.

Morning sunbeams flicker through the dense foliage above, speckling the ground you walk with fluttering splashes of golden light. Beyond the road, however, dense shadows swallow the depths of the woodlands like a nightly fog.

Suddenly, you hear some leaves rustling noisily. Then, the small white head of a chicken pops out curiously from behind some roadside bushes up ahead.

Apple Basket: "Oh! Over there! Looks like somepony's chicken's gone and got lost. I know we're in a hurry, but do y'all reckon we should help?"

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