> Oi, yeah I had to take a bit of a break TwT… \oof\. I know I've been doing a thousand headcanons lately, but I'll be done and back with my crazy NG soon X).
> (I will be rephrasing the notes from the drawing, and last post: https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-HC-Magical-Terra-Equidae-912111177, so sorry if it gets repetitive. However, I'll will be detailing those notes furthermore here ⬇️).
> ☆ Up North of the Equestrian continent, surrounded by a tall mountainous region, lives the happy and content race of the Lux. They are the embodiment of light, love and hope. Generally, they looked like spirits of an equine, translucent and luminescent, as they could hover, with no wings needed, and their hair gently flowed without wind. They also had fractal patterns on their bodies that resembled crystals. Back then, they were described by travelers as "whimsical windigo" considering that they were a ghost-like equine species living in the frigid cold. They say "whimsical" because the Lux never felt disrupted or angered by travelers and carelessly pranced around their icy home joyfully.
> ☆Through unity, the Lux created a tall beacon made of crystals, quartz and diamonds, minerals which are believed by Lux geological mages to have magic absorption and releasing powers. Henceforth, the beacon would be used to harness and spread the magical light and love brought from the hearts of the Lux; it would be called the "Beacon of Light". In celebration of finishing the beacon, the Lux had a union to honor their work. From this, the beacon made a big blue heart out of fire (similarly to the pink fiery heart in the Hearth's Warming story), which was then crystallized.
> This magically made artifact would be their symbol of hope, love and prosperity for their country and future. They would then name it the "Corazon de Cristal" (in which from Latin to English translates to, the "Crystal Heart"). They would call their first union and the making of the Heart, Union Day; but the Empress Mi Amore Carmine Heart (Princess Amore) would later change the name to "the Crystal Faire" (as Union Day became more of a festive holiday then a ritualistic-like holiday).
> ☆ Soon, the Lux knew they would need a humble, brave and inspiring leader to protect the Heart. Thus, they chose a very well beloved Lux who was charitable and passionate to her people; she was originally named Larimar. But the Lux compelled her into royalty, and she happily obliged. Her new name through royalty was "Mi Amore Cristal Heart '' (or Empress Crystal Heart). She was a wonderful and majestic Empress, her people loved her. The Crystal Heart gave the Empress her tall stature, horn and wings, making her an alicorn Lux. The ones born through her royal blood will be blessed by the Heart with wings and a horn as well, (after the Crystalling). And though Lux can levitate, they can't soar as high or fly as fast as the alicorns with wings.
> ☆ A generational rivalry was sparked between two sisterstwins so to speak , Ruby and Rubellite, as they fought over who would be the heir to the throne. Though the Lux had their own sister they preferred, they didn't think popular opinion or voting would be a fair deal to break the rivalry. So they decided that the first sister married would be the deciding factor. One of the twins, Ruby, already had a fond relationship with a male Lux named Jet. And because of the situation at hand, Ruby and Jet would be getting married very soon (she was already 2 months into pregnancy… so yeah 👀). Rubellite, the other twin, didn't like this, as she more passionately wanted to become the Empress. Thus, she had created a malicious plan to kill Jet, as she knew her sister wouldn't love another. The plan worked out just fine, however she would have to face the consequences.
> ☆ Following right after the last note, her sister, Ruby, knew what Rubellite did to her love, and became full of hate and anger. These emotions clouded Ruby's mind and she became a shadowy monster, made of darkness and malice, an "Umbrum". Her followers too felt her pain and became an Umbrum like her. The Umbrum curse was spreading like wildfire, as Lux without a vessel were weak and helpless. The Umbrum shadow would engulf the light from a Lux effortlessly. Rubellite would redeem her faults by wishing to the Crystal Heart to "banish the Umbrum and give her citizens a body to protect them".
> ☆The Umbrum were indeed banished, for good, underneath the Crystal Empire in the dark caves below; but they found a way to manage down there. They would set up their own Empire and have Ruby as their rightful Empress. They would name their new Empire, the "Umbra Empire". As a part of the cursed banishment spell, time for the Umbrum was WAY slower than the time above. However, they didn't seem to notice it. It just seemed that one month for them equated to 5 years above ground (which sounds ridiculous right… cause it is TwT). To add on to this torture for Umbrum, without vessels, they're just shadow living on underground forever; they're immortal. You would think having immortality is great -well, obviously it's not. So you have thousands of jaded and depressed citizens wanting to have a normal life and death.
> ☆ Meanwhile, the Lux were shocked at their new form, though still keeping the same fractal patterns on their bodies. Most may have been a bit upset that they lost the ability to float, have flowy hair and glow, but were grateful nonetheless to know this new body would protect them. Since they looked far different from the Lux, they opted to rename or nickname this new form as "Cristal Equine" or Crystal Ponies. Nevertheless, their correct race identification and classifications are still going to be called "Lux".
> Fun new little facts about their Crystal Bodies: In their Crystal form, they have the hardness and toughness of a diamond. The only thing that could break them is falling from a high place or a fast and heavy impact. But don't worry, this Crystal form is just a spell from the Heart, so if the diamond shell breaks, then the spell breaks, not the pony. So if a Crystal pony with their Crystal form falls and breaks, the spell would break, and the pony wouldn't shatter or be injured. In their Crystal form, being as strong as diamond, miners and geologists don't necessarily need drills or what not to gain gemstones. They have their bare hooves for that now XP (though for convenience they'll still use tools). This spell can be inherited into other equus species and creatures… so that explains why Maud can drill through rock with no effort. I don't know why I didn't have this fact in my last post, regarding "Terra Equus", but it's whatever.
> ☆It's evident that Rubellite's bloodline would unjustly carry on and prosper. Historians were ordered (by Rubellite) to alter how the story went down with Ruby and her. Not only to cover up her mistakes and make her look like the hero and make her sister and Umbrum look like monsters. But to alter and protect how the future may perceive her bloodline just because of her own faults. After the secret was kept for generations, only the Umbrum knew of the truth. So of course, the Umbrum would be the ones wanting revenge and freedom for the longest; And this plan would commence through Sombra.
> ☆ 7 months later (35 years in Crystal Empire time) Zircon Oscuro Sombra was magically born on the overworld; due to Ruby's transformation into an Umbrum messing with his development. Ruby was distraught by this whole scenario, but still felt a connection to him and knew he was alive. In the middle of the snowy desert, though very close to the Crystal Empire, Sombra spawned near a "Dark Crystal". The Dark Crystal is a moderately sized yet visible crystal that was the only notification that the Umbrum existed. A few Crystal Guards saw the magical spawning of Sombra from a bright red burst of light coming from the Dark Crystal. The guards, doing their job, went to investigate to only find a foal. They couldn't just leave him there, so they rushed him into the Empire. He was brought in as an orphan…The rest of Sombra's backstory is in the "Fiendship is Magic" mlp comic volume (but in the future, I would still like to talk about his backstory in my words).
> Basically, Sombra, an Umbrum made of flesh, was the only hope for the freedom and justice of the Umbra Empire. Ruby was able to communicate to him about where he came and how to free them. Though Sombra considered her words, he ultimately had selfish plans to conquer the Crystal Empire himself. Again, I'll delve deeper into Sombra's story later, but I was letting y'all know how he was brought to the Crystal Empire and his intentions.
> ☆ The generational rivalry is very apparent with the more recent generation, including Empress Mi Amore Cadenza and King Sombra. The next-generation will soon end the cycle of hate and injustice! But how will it end???? ÓoÒ (hmmmmm XP)….
> \\\\
> gibberish I'm done ;w;…. You see, I've been moving and my goodness, I haven't had time to do NOTHING TwT. So again, sorry it's been a bit. But I hope y'all are doing a-okay wherever you are in this vast universe! I love y'all💖💖! Thank you for your time and constant support! If you have any questions about anything, ask me anywhere on DA! And of course, GOODBYE FOR NOW! ÓwÒ👋
> (Welp, gotta go put up my clothes TwT).
> \\\\
> ☆https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-HC-Magical-Terra-Equidae-912111177
> (I will be rephrasing the notes from the drawing, and last post: https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-HC-Magical-Terra-Equidae-912111177, so sorry if it gets repetitive. However, I'll will be detailing those notes furthermore here ⬇️).
> ☆ Up North of the Equestrian continent, surrounded by a tall mountainous region, lives the happy and content race of the Lux. They are the embodiment of light, love and hope. Generally, they looked like spirits of an equine, translucent and luminescent, as they could hover, with no wings needed, and their hair gently flowed without wind. They also had fractal patterns on their bodies that resembled crystals. Back then, they were described by travelers as "whimsical windigo" considering that they were a ghost-like equine species living in the frigid cold. They say "whimsical" because the Lux never felt disrupted or angered by travelers and carelessly pranced around their icy home joyfully.
> ☆Through unity, the Lux created a tall beacon made of crystals, quartz and diamonds, minerals which are believed by Lux geological mages to have magic absorption and releasing powers. Henceforth, the beacon would be used to harness and spread the magical light and love brought from the hearts of the Lux; it would be called the "Beacon of Light". In celebration of finishing the beacon, the Lux had a union to honor their work. From this, the beacon made a big blue heart out of fire (similarly to the pink fiery heart in the Hearth's Warming story), which was then crystallized.
> This magically made artifact would be their symbol of hope, love and prosperity for their country and future. They would then name it the "Corazon de Cristal" (in which from Latin to English translates to, the "Crystal Heart"). They would call their first union and the making of the Heart, Union Day; but the Empress Mi Amore Carmine Heart (Princess Amore) would later change the name to "the Crystal Faire" (as Union Day became more of a festive holiday then a ritualistic-like holiday).
> ☆ Soon, the Lux knew they would need a humble, brave and inspiring leader to protect the Heart. Thus, they chose a very well beloved Lux who was charitable and passionate to her people; she was originally named Larimar. But the Lux compelled her into royalty, and she happily obliged. Her new name through royalty was "Mi Amore Cristal Heart '' (or Empress Crystal Heart). She was a wonderful and majestic Empress, her people loved her. The Crystal Heart gave the Empress her tall stature, horn and wings, making her an alicorn Lux. The ones born through her royal blood will be blessed by the Heart with wings and a horn as well, (after the Crystalling). And though Lux can levitate, they can't soar as high or fly as fast as the alicorns with wings.
> ☆ A generational rivalry was sparked between two sisters
> ☆ Following right after the last note, her sister, Ruby, knew what Rubellite did to her love, and became full of hate and anger. These emotions clouded Ruby's mind and she became a shadowy monster, made of darkness and malice, an "Umbrum". Her followers too felt her pain and became an Umbrum like her. The Umbrum curse was spreading like wildfire, as Lux without a vessel were weak and helpless. The Umbrum shadow would engulf the light from a Lux effortlessly. Rubellite would redeem her faults by wishing to the Crystal Heart to "banish the Umbrum and give her citizens a body to protect them".
> ☆The Umbrum were indeed banished, for good, underneath the Crystal Empire in the dark caves below; but they found a way to manage down there. They would set up their own Empire and have Ruby as their rightful Empress. They would name their new Empire, the "Umbra Empire". As a part of the cursed banishment spell, time for the Umbrum was WAY slower than the time above. However, they didn't seem to notice it. It just seemed that one month for them equated to 5 years above ground (which sounds ridiculous right… cause it is TwT). To add on to this torture for Umbrum, without vessels, they're just shadow living on underground forever; they're immortal. You would think having immortality is great -well, obviously it's not. So you have thousands of jaded and depressed citizens wanting to have a normal life and death.
> ☆ Meanwhile, the Lux were shocked at their new form, though still keeping the same fractal patterns on their bodies. Most may have been a bit upset that they lost the ability to float, have flowy hair and glow, but were grateful nonetheless to know this new body would protect them. Since they looked far different from the Lux, they opted to rename or nickname this new form as "Cristal Equine" or Crystal Ponies. Nevertheless, their correct race identification and classifications are still going to be called "Lux".
> Fun new little facts about their Crystal Bodies: In their Crystal form, they have the hardness and toughness of a diamond. The only thing that could break them is falling from a high place or a fast and heavy impact. But don't worry, this Crystal form is just a spell from the Heart, so if the diamond shell breaks, then the spell breaks, not the pony. So if a Crystal pony with their Crystal form falls and breaks, the spell would break, and the pony wouldn't shatter or be injured. In their Crystal form, being as strong as diamond, miners and geologists don't necessarily need drills or what not to gain gemstones. They have their bare hooves for that now XP (though for convenience they'll still use tools). This spell can be inherited into other equus species and creatures… so that explains why Maud can drill through rock with no effort. I don't know why I didn't have this fact in my last post, regarding "Terra Equus", but it's whatever.
> ☆It's evident that Rubellite's bloodline would unjustly carry on and prosper. Historians were ordered (by Rubellite) to alter how the story went down with Ruby and her. Not only to cover up her mistakes and make her look like the hero and make her sister and Umbrum look like monsters. But to alter and protect how the future may perceive her bloodline just because of her own faults. After the secret was kept for generations, only the Umbrum knew of the truth. So of course, the Umbrum would be the ones wanting revenge and freedom for the longest; And this plan would commence through Sombra.
> ☆ 7 months later (35 years in Crystal Empire time) Zircon Oscuro Sombra was magically born on the overworld; due to Ruby's transformation into an Umbrum messing with his development. Ruby was distraught by this whole scenario, but still felt a connection to him and knew he was alive. In the middle of the snowy desert, though very close to the Crystal Empire, Sombra spawned near a "Dark Crystal". The Dark Crystal is a moderately sized yet visible crystal that was the only notification that the Umbrum existed. A few Crystal Guards saw the magical spawning of Sombra from a bright red burst of light coming from the Dark Crystal. The guards, doing their job, went to investigate to only find a foal. They couldn't just leave him there, so they rushed him into the Empire. He was brought in as an orphan…The rest of Sombra's backstory is in the "Fiendship is Magic" mlp comic volume (but in the future, I would still like to talk about his backstory in my words).
> Basically, Sombra, an Umbrum made of flesh, was the only hope for the freedom and justice of the Umbra Empire. Ruby was able to communicate to him about where he came and how to free them. Though Sombra considered her words, he ultimately had selfish plans to conquer the Crystal Empire himself. Again, I'll delve deeper into Sombra's story later, but I was letting y'all know how he was brought to the Crystal Empire and his intentions.
> ☆ The generational rivalry is very apparent with the more recent generation, including Empress Mi Amore Cadenza and King Sombra. The next-generation will soon end the cycle of hate and injustice! But how will it end???? ÓoÒ (hmmmmm XP)….
> \\\\
> gibberish I'm done ;w;…. You see, I've been moving and my goodness, I haven't had time to do NOTHING TwT. So again, sorry it's been a bit. But I hope y'all are doing a-okay wherever you are in this vast universe! I love y'all💖💖! Thank you for your time and constant support! If you have any questions about anything, ask me anywhere on DA! And of course, GOODBYE FOR NOW! ÓwÒ👋
> (Welp, gotta go put up my clothes TwT).
> \\\\
> ☆https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-HC-Magical-Terra-Equidae-912111177
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