Born to Silly


> Yoshimon1 said:
> Let's visit Princess Twilight! We do have a lot to tell her about our discoveries on Midgard and the friends we made. Also, a powerful mage like her surely has some good advice for Moonflower regarding the Seed and her own magic. And as the Princess of Friendship, she might even have befriended that mysterious alchemist already or at least have another idea how to save the festival.

You enter the Castle of Friendship. In the main hallway, a small purple dragon wearing an apron sweeps the crystalline floor with a broom. He soon takes notice of your arrival, and greets you with a friendly smile.

Dragon: "Hi! You look a little lost. Can I help you?"

You tell the dragon that you have come to see Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Dragon: "Sure thing. She should be in the throne room, over this way."

You follow the dragon to the end of the hallway, where he opens the door to a large circular room lit by green-tinted windows. In the center, a round glassy table is surrounded by seven crystal thrones, one of which is occupied by a familiar lavender alicorn.

Dragon: "Hey, Twilight. These ponies came to see you."

Twilight Sparkle: "Oh, of course. Come in!"

You thank the dragon for escorting you. After a courteous yet somewhat playful bow, he returns to his duties, and you greet the princess.

Twilight Sparkle: "Good morning! Trailblazer and Moonflower, right? You… look different than I remember. And you must be Apple Basket."

Apple Basket: "Shucks, uh… you know 'bout me, Your Highness?"

Twilight Sparkle: "You can call me Twilight Sparkle. And yes, Princess Celestia mentioned you in a letter. All of you, actually. Said you helped defeat a villain in the lost kingdom of Midgard? To be honest, I could hardly believe what I was reading."

You nod, and take a moment to recount your adventure in full. At this point, you've told this story so many times that it almost feels rehearsed. The princess listens wide-eyed and slack-jawed to your epic tale's every twist and turn.

You conclude your retelling with the events of the night before, while Moonflower proudly holds the seed of Yggdrasil as undeniable proof of your exploits.

Twilight Sparkle: "… That's… a lot to take in. And having been on a fair share of adventures myself, I've no reason to doubt you. The way you described King Empyrius tells me that much.

Though I have to say, this is the first time I've heard anything about Oracle magic. We know so little about bat ponies, let alone have any books about them. You said Moonflower talked to somepony else through a dream?"

You nod, and admit that you were wondering whether Twilight Sparkle had any advice for Moonflower concerning her new magic powers.

Twilight Sparkle: "I'm afraid that's beyond even my knowledge… but I might know somepony who can help. She's not easy to get ahold of, so I'll try and put you in touch as soon as I can."

Moonflower: "Yay‼"

Twilight Sparkle: "Now, I don't suppose you came all the way here from Hoofington to talk about your travels, did you?"

You nod, and tell Twilight Sparkle about the current situation, and of your quest to find a mysterious alchemist who is said to live within the Everfree Forest.

Twilight Sparkle: "A mysterious alchemist? Oh! You must be talking about Zecora. She's a zebra who lives in the forest. I'm sure she'd be happy to lend you a hoof. Here's where you can find her…"

Twilight Sparkle gives you directions to Zecora's hut, which you record on your Map of the Everfree Forest.

Twilight Sparkle: "… Just be careful to avoid the fields of poison joke on the northern side. Those flowers are not to be trifled with."

Moonflower: "Heehee! We got'cha!"

You thank the princess for the help.

Twilight Sparkle: "You're welcome. Was there anything else I can help you with?"

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