
As Twilight and Sunset were trotting back over to the main square, Sunset began to have the initial thought of what the pony versions of her human friends were like. She remembered the time she returned to Equestria during the Spring Break cruise, and briefly interacted with the pony Pinkie, who honestly felt no different from the human version. Plus, with the idea that both Twilights she knew were about the same as far as personality and geekiness, it was likely a safe bet that most, if not all of them would remain pretty close to the friends she was already familiar with.

In some ways, Sunset felt that this could be a potential substitute for her original plans in spending time with her human friends before graduation. She wondered at first if she'd get along with these ponies as much as the versions she knew, which begged the question if they all took Twilight's word about her being a changed pony. Starlight might've mentioned having her own troubled past, but did affirm to Sunset at one point that Twilight and her friends gave her another chance. However, this only seemed to be because they've known Starlight longer than her, and were more used to having her around in the same native world. Meanwhile, the last major memory most of them had of Sunset was the time she stole Twilight's crown and forced her to go into the human world to retrieve it back.

"Twilight?" Sunset addressed her princess friend. "This might sound like a dumb question, but do you think your friends will accept me? I just realized that… I haven't really met most of them ever since I stole your crown and went off to the other world. Do you think some of them would still have distrust in me based on my bad first impression?"

"Not at all, Sunset!" Twilight assured. "In fact, they were even concerned you might've gotten lost on your way over here to Canterlot. I can see those security guards were the reason you missed the coronation?"

"Not necessarily just them." Sunset replied. "It was actually my own fault for taking a wrong turn after falling asleep on the train, and waking up in Manehattan. But by the time I arrived to Canterlot, I did catch a brief glimpse of the coronation. I noticed that as soon as Celestia and Luna gave you your new crown, there was a mishap which caused you to slip off that balcony. That's why I decided to rush in, hoping you were okay."

"Oh, yeah." Twilight had a brief laugh at her slip-up during that moment. "It's a good thing I remembered I have wings before it was too late, huh? The coronation might've ended in a number of disasters, but it definitely would've been worthwhile to have you there to share those memories with me. Well, I mean since you did see my balcony slip, I guess that wish was partially fulfilled."

"I guess so." Sunset agreed. "I'm just hoping now that once I meet your friends, I have more time to explore Equestria a bit further. While I might've gotten lost along the way, it was definitely a fulfilling experience to revisit my old home. In fact, just trotting past the School for Gifted Unicorns was enough to really remind me of most of my days as a filly, and Celestia's pupil."

"That's nice to hear." Twilight said with enthusiasm. "Speaking of Celestia, she and Luna were just here a while ago, but I'm pretty sure by now, they've already left for their new retirement home. They're headed toward Silver Shoals, so if you do plan on exploring more of Equestria, there's a possible stop for you. I'd imagine since you've finally made amends with her a while ago, you'd be less nervous to see her again?"

"Heh, yeah." Sunset agreed, remembering how she went into the throne room and was already prepared for the possibility of Celestia never wanting to see her again. "Actually, Twilight? It's not really something I'm focusing on right now, but at some point, I do plan on heading back to to my old school here in Canterlot, and visiting Celestia again. Let's just say it's for a more… personal reason."

"Oh?" Twilight asked with curiosity. "Well, since everything in Canterlot technically now belongs to me, I'm going to be in charge of the School for Gifted Unicorns from now on. Is there anything I can do to help you with this personal motive?"

"Maybe, but I think I'll focus on that later." Sunset said, feeling the need to make up for her overall absence from the coronation. "Right now, I just want to get familiar with your friends. I'm already well acquainted with Starlight, Spike, and maybe Pinkie from that one time I came back with the other you, and I kinda already have an idea on what your other friends are like, based on my experience with their human versions. But yeah, it's crazy to imagine that in all the time we've known each other, I've never properly met your friends.

"It's fine." Twilight assured. "It'd be too much to ask of you, considering you already have a separate life in the other realm. Anyways, we're just about to enter the courtyard. Trust me, there's no need to hesitate on meeting them, I just know they'll be happy to finally meet you."

The two ponies had finally opened the gates to the courtyard, where all of Twilight's friends were still waiting. They were all patiently sitting together at one of the tables, before hearing the gate open. Looking over, they gave friendly faces and waved to Twilight and Sunset, who had finally arrived and approached to take a seat together.

"Hey, everypony, and Spike." Sunset said to the six other ponies and dragon. "I know you all in some way have already met me, but to those of you who only remembered me back when I stole Twilight's crown, I can assure you, those days are definitely over. Name's Sunset Shimmer, nice to officially meet you all.

"Ohhhhh, so you're Sunset Shimmer!" Pinkie exclaimed with surprise. "I thought you looked familiar that one time I was delivering fresh fondue to Twilight! Didn't actually recognize you along with that pony with glasses, but it's a pleasure to meet a new friend!"

"Same here." Applejack agreed. "We haven't really seen you since the crown incident, but from what Twilight's been tellin' us all since then, you've been doin' a lot better in life?"

"She's told us all about how much happier you've been, making friends rather than manipulating them." Rarity added. "Certainly sounds like a huge step from what we first saw of you."

"Absolutely." Fluttershy chimed in. "It's pretty amazing how much we've all really changed over time. Most ponies even acknowledge how I'm no longer as shy as I used to be."

"And even though she's nicer now than before, Twilight tells me Sunset's still got that spunk and attitude, which is pretty impressive." Rainbow Dash complimented. "She even knows how to play a guitar and rock leather outfits? Now that is playing it 20% cooler."

"I admittedly haven't really interacted too much with Sunset." Spike began. "But I was definitely astonished at how much she kinder she was when me and Twilight went back to help her deal with the sirens. It's pretty impressive just how much a pony can change over time."

"Sunset's also kinda been in the same boat as me, so I was able to connect with her quite well." Starlight acknowledged. "From what little I've known about her ever since we met, neither of us really look too fondly back at our pasts, but thanks to Twilight, we've seen things in a more positive light, and even improved our own lives thanks to her teachings. Why, if it wasn't for her, I might've never even reunited with Sunburst, or met Trixie. But yeah, Sunset's a pretty chill gal, and really knows how to have an adventure."

"This has been wonderful to hear." Sunset said, proud to hear that despite her long absence in Equestria, these ponies were still welcoming willing to start over. "Thank you for your kind words, everyone. I certainly feel welcome around here, and I certainly wouldn't mind taking an extended stay here in Equestria. Well, at least until the time's ready. See, back in the other world, graduation at Canterlot High is expected to start in less than a week. So until then, I do have some extra time to explore more of Equestria, something I haven't done in ages. I just wouldn't know where to start, and I'd have to be cautious about when to go back."

Upon hearing this, Twilight thought of an idea that could not only solve Sunset's dilemma, but also help her get more acquainted with her friends here. "Sunset? Do you by any chance still have your magical journal with you?"

"Yeah, right here." Sunset said, as she pulled the aforementioned item out of her saddlebag.

"I remembered a spell that can let me see the exact date and time of other worlds." Twilight said, before using her magic to zap the journal, transforming one of the empty pages into a manual clock for Sunset. Since the journal had magical connections to the human world, the spell was automatically able to display the date and time that Sunset would've expected. "Now you can check back on this journal to monitor the time so you don't miss your graduation. According to this, it's only a little past noon in your world."

"That sounds about right." Sunset confirmed, since she did get up early in the morning before going through the mirror. "So it looks like I still have at least five more days before graduation. Until then, I guess I have a lot of Equestria to explore to make the most out of my time here."

"And that's where we all come in!" Twilight said excitedly. "Earlier, while we were all talking here at the coronation, we discussed how we didn't really have any plans this upcoming week. Even with me, my royal duties aren't going to keep me occupied to the point where I can't make time for my friends. So I propose as my second royal decree, next week, we all chip in to show Sunset around Equestria, while getting to know her a bit better."

"Oh wow, really?" Sunset said with surprise. "I mean, if it's not too much trouble, of course?"

"Not at all, Sunset!" Applejack assured. "After that final confrontation with Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, we could all really use a lil' break and explore Equestria ourselves!"

"Not to mention, dear." Rarity began. "You're our friend now too, and as your new friends, we can certainly make it our welcoming present to ensure this vacation of yours is extra spectacular."

"Plus, I wouldn't mind hanging with a pony who's 20% cooler than even me." Rainbow added. "It'll let me fill my schedule for a bit, since I've already read every Daring Do book released this year."

"I'd certainly welcome a little extra company with my animal friends in the sanctuary." Fluttershy proposed. "The animals there are super friendly, and always open to meet new ponies."

"What can I say?" Pinkie inquired. "With a new pony in town, I should do my usual tradition in throwing a surprise party!" She quickly covered her mouth with her hooves. "Oops, I shouldn't have said that out loud. Now I ruined the surprise."

Sunset brushed it off in amusement. "It's fine, Pinkie. I'll still happily take whatever you have to offer. This all sounds like a wonderful way for us all to bond and see more of Equestria together. Thank you all. Even though I missed the coronation, I'm happy to see that this official meeting went smoothly, and we hit things off together pretty well. I'm just going to need to keep track of the time so I won't be late for graduation in the other world."

"Of course, Sunset." Twilight assured. "Feel free to go back anytime you need, none of us will hold you back if you believe time is tight. Plus, since you were already late to the coronation, we wouldn't want you having a repeat of that for your graduation too."

"Thanks, Twilight." Sunset said with gratitude, before focusing back on her original dilemma she needed guidance on. "Actually, speaking of which, do you all mind keeping a secret? This is something I'll have to worry about shortly after graduation."

"Anything, Sunset! We're all ears!" Pinkie exclaimed, ready to listen to her new friend.

"Well, how to put this?" Sunset began to elaborate. "Ever since the Friendship Games at CHS, I've always had this lingering feeling that there's more to do back here in Equestria. After all, I'm not supposed to naturally be a human who walks on two legs. I'm a unicorn who's now out of practice with her magic. Sure, there's been magic and magic related artifacts that somehow found their way into the other world, but it originated from here, in Equestria. In some ways, my decision to come back for a bit also included the plan of getting more familiar with Equestria, because I'm considering the possibility of coming back for good, once graduation is over."

"You are?" Spike inquired. "But… what about the friends you've already made in the other… oh." He realized Sunset's problem practically spelled itself out.

"Yeah, exactly." Sunset affirmed. "Once graduation's done, I'll be living out the same old life without magic, not something I always wanted. I only went through that mirror all those years ago because my curiosity got the better of me. I was basically forced to stay there for a while due to the previous issue of the portal locking every 30 moons. And while there, I've made the most wonderful friends, basically the human versions of all of you, minus Starlight. We've become so close over the years, that I practically consider them family. But because of my drive to come back to Equestria for good, I'd feel awful for practically abandoning them. I haven't really told any of them about this possible decision of mine yet, out of fear that they'd take the news pretty harshly."

"It does sound like one of those matters where you can't keep this from your friends forever, Sunset." Fluttershy internalized the situation. "From my experience, friends who you consider family would always understand and respect your decisions, and be willing to make the sacrifices necessary."

"Why of course!" Rarity continued. "Even if they are saddened by this decision of yours, as your friends, they wouldn't give you ultimatums because of your own personal life decisions. My good friend, Miss Pommel lives in a completely separate town, but we always find ways to keep in touch, since we're both usually busy with our own businesses."

"I can say the same for the Apple family." Applejack chimed in. "We have family livin' all over Equestria, but being apart doesn't make us any less closer of a family. In some ways, our longer absences make us more thrilled to spend time with each other durin' our family reunions. I know for a fact Applebloom feels this way whenever seein' her cousin, Babs."

"And I learned my own mistake long ago about not keeping in touch." Starlight added. "I always thought I lost Sunburst forever when he moved away, and didn't really think to simply find a means of keeping contact. This started my own ambition in deciding true friendship only comes from being equal, when in reality, I was just making things harder on myself."

As Sunset listened on to all these different perspectives and outlooks, she began to realize everyone had pretty solid points. And if her human friends truly were family, they would ultimately respect her decision in the end, regardless of how sad they'd be about her metaphorically moving away.

"I've also had friends who were former Wonderbolts." Rainbow elaborated. "Some of them did have to move away from Cloudsdale, but they kept in touch by occasionally visiting back and forth."

"I did consider that, actually." Sunset explained. "It just seemed like living out life in two worlds simultaneously would be rather impractical."

"Not really." Pinkie replied. "Isn't that portal thing now open all the time since Twilight used that old journal to keep it unlocked without waiting every 30 moons? Since you always have access to it, you could stay behind in Equestria and occasionally visit your other friends. It doesn't sound much different from what Dashie's friends do to keep in touch."

"Plus, if your friends are finishing up with school, it's basically the same case with Sunburst." Starlight reminded. "They'll either go on to find jobs, move up to universities, but what matters is putting in the effort to always be with them in some way. We just can't always expect life to work in our favor, but we find ways to get around these obstacles to keep our friendships intact."

"And furthermore, just like with my fear earlier today about moving away from Ponyville, I decreed as the new princess of Equestria, that we all meet together once a moon as a council of friendship." Twilight related to Sunset's problem. "There's never the need to fear about being separated due to outside forces, if you show you care about keeping the friendship strong. Meeting together once every moon may not sound like much at first, but I know for certain that it makes all the difference in feeling like your friends and family will always be with you, no matter how busy life becomes."

"I suppose so." Sunset began formulating her own solution. "In that case, maybe I'll stay behind in Equestria after graduation, and occasionally check up with my other friends whenever I get the chance. After all, I do have the option for just that, and it works in both both me and my friends' favors. I get to relive a better experience using magic as a unicorn, and my friends will still get to see me every so often. I guess another factor of concern in this decision was the possibility of the portal being shut down for good. If that did somehow happen, then I'd either be stuck in a world without magic, or be legitimately abandoning my friends. Bearing in mind, this magical journal runs on the portal's magic being active, so with the portal being gone forever, I couldn't even write to them anymore."

"Well, we don't really have a reason to shut down the portal, and it wouldn't just happen for no reason at all." Twilight assured. "Besides, since you've spent so much time in the other world and haven't experienced any negative effects, then I think it's a safe bet that you can always switch back and forth between worlds whenever you wish. We'll always welcome you here in open hooves whenever you do decide to come back."

Sunset looked around the table and saw all her new pony friends and Spike nodding in agreement to Twilight's words. Just as she had hoped, talking out the matter with Twilight and her friends gave her that motivation to not hesitate in telling her human friends about this decision in taking an extended stay in Equestria. Plus, both Twilight and Starlight have gone through the mirror with her, and were still able to live out their lives here as ponies just as normally as anypony else. This meant she didn't really have anything to lose by being here in Equestria and visiting back to the human world with a portal that was always open anyway.

"Thanks, everyone." Sunset said gratefully. "I know we've only properly just met, but I'm really happy for everything. Getting to meet you all, and the help in figuring out this tough situation with my other friends. It's nice to have friends who really care about you, and I'm certainly looking forward to getting to know you all more personally this coming week."

"Awww, come here, Sunset!" Twilight said, pulling her friend in for a hug, before everyone else joined in.
safe2549100 artist:emeraldblast631152 imported from derpibooru3743030 applejack238479 fluttershy307943 pinkie pie304697 rainbow dash333332 rarity259447 starlight glimmer70375 sunset shimmer95087 twilight sparkle427326 alicorn360872 earth pony508208 pegasus565230 pony1727987 unicorn614621 comic:the tale of two sunsets89 equestria girls308515 the beginning of the end2620 ^^3092 alternate mane seven303 bipedal54649 coronation147 eyes closed160728 female2041013 group hug1425 hug44342 mane six44790 mare832733 story included14334


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