
Originally posted on: January 17, 2019, 6:34 AM UTC
> {Next Gen}~ Storm of emotions
> As Flurry walked in the snow, she could bearly hear the crunching of snow under her hooves. The wild snowstorm trickled her fur and hair, and above all the snow was piercing and painful. Her muzzle and ears had grown cold, and her legs and hooves were aching for walking miles and miles. Her wings were tired, and hurt so much she had stopped flying, not to mention her wing feathers could have been frozen if she had been flying. She didn't know for how much long she had been walking, but it had felt like an eternity now. Maybe it was day already, nevertheless she would not be able to see the sky if she tried to, as the dark clouds spread out over the sky, blocking out any sun ray. The wind picked up again, this much time stronger, the snow beginning to get in her eyes. Flurry tried to raise her wings to cover her face form the piercing snow, in hope to see something ahead.
> Why did the storm had to be at this time, why now that she left what she called her home? She was to afraid to come back, to marry somebody who she loathed with all her heart. Why had her parents done that to her? She had trusted them all her life, loved them and respected them, and now they wanted to give her up for a stupid tradition? It didn't make any sense. Canterlot and The Crystal Empire already have a connection in trade, and above all her father was born in Canterlot, and he had been the leader of the royal guard! That should have been enough to unite the two kingdoms.
> Flurry let another tear slip form her eye, but she didn't feel anymore coming. She had cried enough already she thought she had wasted them all.
> Flurry tried to see ahead form her, trying to look over the thundering snow coming her way. Trying to look for any shelter at all, a cabin, a small house, a cave, anything to cover herself from this snowstorm. And above all, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. For sure it could just be an animal, maybe a snow wolf or a polar bear, no wait that just made it worse to think about. Flurry felt so tired and exhausted, from everything that happened over the last few days and what happened a few hours ago with her parents, from crying and not able to sleep. She could feel her eyelids closing in on her, and as she tried to walk her legs would occasionally give up on her and she would stumble down. Her red puffed eyes looked everywhere, and as she took a glance back, she had made a second look to she if she was looking right. She had seen a shadow, and it had looked like a pony, a male for the matter that it was so tall and built, and there had been a hint of green and red. Flurry stared at the shadow, but as a gust of wind made her close her eye, when she opened them again the silhouette was gone. Her heart began beating so fast, and a rush of adrenaline over powered her drowsiness and she began running with all her might. Her body ached as she ran and her chest burned as she would take in air to breath as she ran. Whatever, or whoever that was had scared the living crap out of her, and she wanted to get away from it as soon as possible. Her vission was growing more and more blurry, her adrenaline running low. And before she knew it, she tripped over, and fell face first on the soft snow. Her breating was ragged, and her eyelids fell heavy. As she tried to remain awake, the crunching of snow under heave hooves reached her ears. A shadow loomed over her, and from her side view, she could see the hint of green and red. After that, she let herself fall into a deep slumber.
> ~
> Happens after this~
> [{Next Gen}~ Planned future by PurpleGrim40](
> Hope you like it~


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