Ancient legends always sounds so impressive and so hard to reach. A legend tells that first sphinxes was gods who was the creators of the ponies in the Saddle Arabia region. The ponies only purpose was to serve their gods. These sphinxes was so large that they was able to create valleys, shape mountains and dig rivers with their paws and tails alone. But just like gods can change the world, the world changed their lifestyle. Everyone of them is now gone, and only few broken statues and something there looks like deep paw prints in the stone landscape tells about their story. Many to this day is not sure if they ever existed, and there has never been found any of their magical artefacts. The paw prints could also had been made by ponies with tools for religious reasons.
"What made them so large? Where are their artefacts now? Did the ponies get too smart and tricked them? Is they really our ancestors?" All thoughts there flows around Bathia's mind. The legends is her inspiration the status and life style she worked to get, but it still not enough for her. She still is to small and does not feel she reach anything impressive. Her purpose is still unsure. So one important quistion is left back in her head: "Will she reach the same status as these legends and become her own legend?"
Just to remove any doubts, Bathia is actually 19,4 meters tall. Azha is normal sized. The room, fruit and artefacts are made in oversize, since blender has it's limits. So yeah, the ancient sphinxes was much bigger than her and any other sphinxes there lives now.