
> The Mortal Paper Fist said:
> Avoid the field with the plants and instead move through the gullied terrain slowly and carefully. Hopefully Apple Basket doesn’t mind getting a bit muddy.

Trailblazer's Cutie Mark (+5) affects your roll. You roll an 18 +5 (required 10). Success!

You decide to play it safe, and go around the field of poison joke. As you make your way eastward, you notice a couple of large trees fallen over the nearest gully, creating wide, natural bridges.

You carefully cross over the mossy trunks, which lead you to a hidden path, formed by a muddy scarp on one side, and thorny bushes on the other.

Within a few minutes of walking along the scarp, you reach an opening to the other side of the blue flower field. With each step further in, the forest darkens to a nigh crepuscular ambience, sunlight barely peeking through the dense foliage above.

In the shadows, you are drawn to the warm glow of a house built within a large hollow tree. All around it grows a garden of various colourful plants and glowing mushrooms, tended to by a lone zebra who welcomes you with unusual prose.

Zecora: "Few are those who venture so deep into the Everfree. Could it be that you came looking for me?"

You nod, and introduce yourselves to Zecora. She offers a warm smile in return that somehow makes you feel at home.

Zecora: "Friends of Princess Twilight Sparkle, you say? And how may I help you this day?"

You take a moment to tell Zecora about the situation in Hoofington.

Zecora: "Ahh, nothing grounds a pegasus quite like the feather flu. Fortunately, I may be able to prepare the cure for you. I am merely lacking two of the ingredients I require, and if willing, would have you be my supplier."

Moonflower: "Ooh! Ooh! What do we gotta get?"

Zecora: "One is known as a sun's tear, which is not easily obtained, I fear. It is a drop of the infamous sun bee's honey, found southwest around Ghastly Gorge most commonly.

The other is a wild blue yarrow, a flowering plant often white and yellow. It grows in Rambling Rock Ridge to the east, atop mountains inhabited by dangerous beasts.

If you are able to bring these back to me, then I will begin working on the remedy."

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