The surface is bright, pristine, and welcoming. It's glassy reflection beckons any pony daring enough to see what adventure may lie beneath. Once you transverse the gleaming barrier you'll find the limitless existence that even the birds must envy. There's no weight, there's no sound, and every surface shines like an exposed jewel.
As far as the eye can see there is nothing but open spaces and beyond that, a void as dark as a dreamless sleep. Only in this state has anypony truly felt as though they were absolutely free.
This is the lure, the draw that has lead countless lives to dive into their own damnation. Beneath the waves lurks the predator that never fills it's greedy stomach. The freedom is a lie, in truth the moment you break the surface, you are surrounded, and you confront it's true nature:
The gentle water, which fills the body and chokes the lungs.
The subtle current, which takes it's passenger far away to an unfamiliar sea.
The savage riptide, which drags the swimmer from the security of the shore and into the merciless unknown.
The brutish curls, that bludgeon their victim and grinds her body like teeth.
Finally, the bottomless caverns, the pits, where the prey is ultimately taken to vanish from the world forever.
Be wary, young pegasus, it's a dangerous game you play whenever you seek the embrace of your most beautiful enemy. Yet, you cannot turn away from the solace it offers. The peace of an empty world, the silence of the grave.
This was a pic commisoned by close-to-the-hedge.deviantart.…
I wasn't sure how it'd turn out considering I've already drawn a picture of a pony struggling under the water. I gotta say though, this one tops it's predecessor by a long shot. Those bubbles are also made from scratch this time so HAHA! I have evolved! Really this was an experiment from the very beginning. From the lineart, to the color technique, to the lighting (ohhhh the lighting. Seriously, Look up Layer mode: Overlay), and of course, the water. That reflection effect was something I've always wanted to try. I'd say it turned out okay.
Anywwhoo, I hope y'all like it. I know I do.