Princess DJ Neon Flutter StarSparkle Spectrum Dash is the daughter of Princess Luna and an unknown stallion. She never knew her dad because he abandoned her as a foal and left her with her mother Princess Luna, who never told her anything about her father. She is the most powerful pony in Equestria as she inherited a lot of it from her mother because the royal family is very powerful. She is the fastest flyer in the whole of Equestria and is BFFs with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and her sister, Princess Twilight Sparkle. She owns the secret seventh element of harmony which is the most powerful of all of them, the Element of Awesomeness! She could defeat Chrysalis and her entire army easily with her magic which was always the most powerful even when she was only a little foal, even so much that Twilight Sparkle was amazed. She is amazing at anything she tries and everyone loves her because she is so kind and clever, and helps everypony in need. She can fight extremely well and could defeat a villain with no injuries at all, except for once where a part of her horn broke off and she became blind in one eye, but she can still do her magic extremely well. She is the lead Wonderbolt and she could do 10 Sonic Rainbooms in one go. She is also a DJ and is best friends with Vinyl Scratch who she taught all her amazing skills, and her coltfriend is Soarin', and they have three alicorn foals. Everyone loves her no matter what she does and she is her aunt Princess Celestia's top student, achieving higher than any other pony but Twilight Sparkle is still her best friend.
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