A young filly named White Arc, [Littlepip's biggest fan in the entire UNIVERSE! She doesn't know what a lesbian is but she is also one cuz she heard that the best pony ever is one and oh she's so great], from some wastelands to the south, long after the events of Fallout Equestria, travels what remains of the wastes outside Equestria with companions. With trouble brewing, and the possibility of the new world repeating the mistakes of the old world, their group travels to the New Canterlot Republic.
Through the course of their travels there and trying to persuade others to listen to the great danger they are not taking seriously, White Arc decides to take a risk and have Red-Eye's cybernetic eye implanted into her. The result is a tragic flood of memory and horrifying identity realization for her.
Armed with knowledge, she sets out to meet her hero, Littlepip, trying to not look anypony in the eyes as she copes with being herself, and unsure what she is after or why she is alive.