> 28th Apr 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> Every so often I have to reckon with this, because I grew up on Sailor Moon episodes recorded on old VHS tapes, and that probably explains a lot of why I really liked Friendship is Magic.
> DM: Is Discord going to do anything as the Elements power up?
> Discord GM: Smugly wait for them to fizzle out like last time.
> DM: Ah. I have some bad news for Discord, then. Not only are they fully powering up…
> (Elements of Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, and Loyalty shine)
> DM: Their gems begin to fire matching symbols at him.
> Rainbow Dash: \HA!\ Take that!
> Discord GM: Alright, that's officially the moment where this becomes cause for concern.
> DM: Fun fact: I was planning on making these a combat mechanic. But since you decided to skip to the main event, they're more for locking-on than damage.
> Discord GM: How very Sailor Moon of you, as usual.