
> inhales exhales gonna use a character bio from Spelledeg LESGO-
> Also, I used a new MLP style! I hope you guys like this one more, because I'll probably use it a bit more!
> This character was originally a recolor by; Wolfina21
> Cutie mark by; Quoterific
> Height: 6'2 (Tall pony)
> Weight: 350 LBS
> Age: 24
> Mental age: 40's
> Eye color(s): Pale blue
> Contacts?: None
> Glasses?: None
> Face shape: Average
> Describe their eyes: Small, relaxed
> Describe their nose: Average
> Describe their lips: Small, thin
> Ears(pointed, cat, etc.): Pony
> Body build(slim, muscular, etc.): Average
> Body abnormalities(Cleft lip etc.): Upturned wings
> Extra extremities(Another arm, tail, horns etc.): None
> Hair color(s): Light Blue
> Hair length: Medium-Long
> Hair style: Curly, wavy
> Skin/fur color(s): Pale yellow-brown
> Complexion: Smooth
> Patterns/designs(on skin/fur and where they are, such as a zebra stripe pattern): Down-pointed fur
> Scars: None
> Birthmarks(and what they are/were): One on left hoof
> Tattoos(what they are and where): None
> Piercings(what they are and where): None
> Mental state: Fairly Average
> Personality snapshot: Forgiving, calm, and caring
> (optional)In depth personality: Moon Rivers is a calm, caring mare with an amazing sense of forgiveness. No matter what, she always believes in second chances, even if you beat her up to the point of hospitilization.
> Most prominent personality trait: Forgiving
> Best traits of their personality: Sweet
> Worst traits of their personality: Some would say 'too' quiet
> Current faith(religion): Whatever ponies believe in
> Current superstitions/quirks: She's a pegasus, which is technically a mythological creature in our world
> Alignment(good, evil, etc.): Chaotic Neutral
> Marital status(Single, married, dating, etc.): Single
> Occupation: None at the moment, she's still paying for college
> Good habits: Sharing with others
> Bad habits: Not many, other than being all too quiet.
> Abilities(As in powers): Moving water using her wings.
> Special skills(Not meaning powers): Painting, especially realism.
> Hobbies: Gardening, painting, sitting by the water, and sometimes baking if she so desires.


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