
So, I was a little bit nervous about posting this but you all seem super chill here so why not.

(This Image is about 6 days outdated btw)

So long story short, I extracted the data from the game.
I was originally planning on making little changes here and there to
the models but I had no interest when I actually got my hands on them.

Turns out the models (the close-up ones) are very high-poly and triangulated,
making it annoying to try to edit any amount of wireframe.

It's also almost impossible to move and pose the models around properly without
the original bones and shape keys they come with. And as someone who had no interest
in looking through every single file to find bones, there wasn't a lot I could do.

So I basically decided to bite the nail and make my own replicas of the models
(since I have done that before) so that I can have proper models that I can do
whatever I want with without having to worry about some type of missed
credit and bad quality down the line. I decided to start with Hitch since he's the OG
heartthrob but I do plan on making Sprout down the line and maybe even some OC's, IDK.

Also, on the in-game models the brows are baked into the textures while I plan
on having them be seprate meshes that I can move around freely.

I'm curious on what you guys think so far (don't drag me please lol).


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