History: The mane 6 One Day would discuse about the injust situation and incapacity of why cant fly like fluttershy and rainbowdash, and Twiligh has the answer, Jetpacks! later that day after finishing their dance classes, they tried the Twilight project of project equestrian defense rocket propulsion, Rainbow dash complain because she wanted to fly faster, and fluttershy wasn't sure, she was afraid to cant fly at the same level whit the others A Huge project but its finally finish, one of the longest ones i've done, but it was a interesting Idea, Mainly iI focus in a general perspective of the mane 6 Fliying Wearing Leotards and Jetpacks as the commissioner asked for it, worked from sketches in traditional to digitalize, every pose, I know its not to much realistic of how wearing jetpacks whitout proteccion on their body but the magic of friendship can do everything, they are using the Rocketeer Model.