
Originally posted on: March 7, 2020, 8:08 PM UTC
> JayJay (name subject to change)
> My Little Pony OC of mine!! Further info down bellow!
> Name: Jayjay (Name subject to updation)
> Gender: Female
> Species: Unicorn
> Profession: Loves to help other ponies with mental problems and depression to brighten there life.
> Element: Generosity
> Cutie Mark: A heart nestled in the petals of a golden rose.
> Parents:
> Father: Unknown (Info subject to change)
> Mother: Unknown (Info subject to change)
> Siblings: None, an Onlyfoal
> Side Hoby's: Likes to dress up with style, Gardens a bit, Enjoys Baking and staying at home reading.
> Pets?: Has an albino ball python named Socks.
> —————————————————————————-
> She is shy, mostly bashful and nervous to talk too, but once you get past her shyness she is a little flower to hang with and is happy to listen to your problems and offer advise or assistance.
> —————————————————————————-
> The heart represents her affection for others as she sees all ponies as ones in need or friends to be made despite her shy nature. The rose symbolizes the comfort and joy she hopes to bring to others to make there lives better.
> —————————————————————————-
> When her mother and father were killed (by natural means) At a young age she was orphaned and raised in Ponyvill by (name unknown) and Soon got a job at the Ponyvill day spa to help out! Although recently she was fired due to trying to add so many new comforting and enlightening ideas to the spa that frankly wasn't part of the protocol. But a more kinder pony As Ahodin took her in to work with him at his tea shop! Until she could find another job… However more deeper circumstances have caused the 2 to be inseparable.
> ——————————————————————————-
> Enjoying currently visiting As’s family in Saddle Arabia for Hearts Warming Eve


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