
Many people ask: why did everything become so bad?
The answer is simple. Ponies can only be friends when there is trouble.

1) In pre-Equestria times, three pony tribes quarreled. They were united only by a common misfortune.
2) Then they quarreled again. Grogar assembled Equestria from "a bunch of scattered farms".
3) After the fall of Grogar, unicorns began to control the sun. They must have held power in Equestria by the time Discord arrived. And only the victory of Celestia and Luna was able to unite them.
4) During the reign of Two Sisters, ponies allied because of war with the Crystal Empire. After departure of Luna and before the appearance of the Mane Six Ponies lived in the same country, but were divided. Celestia did not fix this — perhaps because Equestria had enough enemies to balance the disunity of pony.
5) After defeating all villains, Equestria briefly found peace — and easily lost it… For this, it was not even necessary to introduce a villain.

Now I have only two questions — where are the griffins… And will Sombra return?


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