Born to Silly


Originally posted on: September 10, 2020, 7:41 AM UTC
> Crystal Starlight Glimmer
> Here is "Crystal" Starlight Glimmer. She is been crystalized, now she is half crystal golem half pony.
> In her personal event, they were having a mission which they need to find a special crystal from a planet, but no one success that mission. Many mercenaries had lost in action, but due to friendly request, they accepted it and they reached that planet.
> After few day survey, they found the destination which is very obvious, they could see quite many abandon corvettes, frigates, gunships and so on. They released their heavy dropship to the ground, Twilight and others found that the crystal was deep inside a cave. They prepared their equipment and driller, then they went into the cave to get a piece of the special crystal.
> After few hours exploring, they finally reached the destination. The special crystal was full of deep cave. They just need a small piece of special crystal. So, they quickly used driller to drill out a small piece. But surprisingly this special crystal was very tough, took them hours to get a small piece. When they wanted to go back, they realized the way they came was gone.
> They had faced many danger before, they quickly armed their weapons. Then danger appeared, a lot of crystal golems appeared and attacked them. They didn't had much space to run, they separated into 2 groups, one group drilled out a escape way, another group were stopping those crystal golems. After that, they realized one thing that this crystal were living crystal, this special crystal could parasitic on living creature body and made them became crystal golem. But those crystal were too tough, Starlight boosted up her magic power and made a giant shield to block those crystal golem away from them. Twilight quickly supported Starlight, others were focus on drilling an escape way. More and more crystal golems hitting the magic shield, Starlight and Twilight could feel the heavy pressure of holding the magic shield.
> When other group success drill out a escape way, the magic shield reached limited and broken. Starlight and Twilight been pushed away by the force of breaking magic shield. Starlight quickly used her last magic to send Twilight into other group as one of her legs had been captured by the special crystal. She could feel the crystal was growing inside her leg and slowly move to her body and was very painful. Applejack used her cyborg front leg step on the crystal and broke free Starlight. They quickly ran to their heavy dropship and escaped this planet. But Starlight was not good, the special crystal had grew to Starlight's head and wanted to parasite her mind. Twilight uses her magic to stop the special crystal grew and parasitic.
> Lately, they got help by one of their ally, one of The Four Legendary Great Empire — The "Da"(龘) Dragon Empire. Dragon brought a cure and let Starlight drank it. The crystal stopped growing, Starlight finally saved from parasitic, but the crystal that grew on her body was no longer could get off.
> Now, Starlight lives with this living crystal. She no longer can move smoothly like living thing, her movement is like a golem, she always say: "My body can't follow up my thought."
> But, this living crystal gives her a powerful advantage which now she has unlimited magic power. This crystal is a brilliant energy producer which can provide unlimited energy to a Battleship Class Fleet forever. Although Starlight now lacks of movement speed, but her magic power covers her weakness and now she even can release devastating magic power continuously.


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