> Be my Valentine
> Do you wnat to be my valentine?
> Promised this to ~[ShadowTheGirl88](https://shadowthegirl88.deviantart.com/).
> Finished it today. Urgh. soo much pony pictures to draw x_x I want to die right now. I still have to finish 3 Ponies x_x KILL ME PLEASE! LoL okay. enough. Hope you like it.
> Moon Sparkles face looks. WEIRD.
> Explanation on the species:
> Unideers are a mix between deer and unicorn. The tail is an unicorn tail as seen in the film "The last unicorn". No scales, no kirin.
> [](https://berryness.deviantart.com/art/Copyright-Statement-2-183088348)
> Moon Sparkle,Art and the Species (Unideer) do belong to *[MewMartina](https://mewmartina.deviantart.com/)
> Ghost Whispers belongs to ~[ShadowTheGirl88](https://shadowthegirl88.deviantart.com/)
> MLP FIM belongs to Hasbro