
Adopted from nkukubean

Just had to sketch this baby!!


Name: Moon Macaroon
Nicknames: Moon, Macaroon, Moony
Parents: Luna, Cheese Sandwich, Starlight and Trixie (bio parents are Luna and Cheese)
Gender: Agender?? and intersex (any pronouns)
Species: Unicorn with bat pony traits
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Siblings: ~
Special talent: Baking?? Feel free to suggest (their cutiemark is a moon shaped macaroon)

Personality/random facts:

-Very fluffy and scruffy
-Kinda awkward
-On the shyer side
-Sunshine baby
-Wears the stickers pretty rarely but sometimes (it's mostly their sibling getting them into the decora style)
-Loves stars and space a lot


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