> 21st May 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> "I'm having fun using these screencaps from Discordant Harmony, but it's too bad I can't use these sequences of Discord talking to himself…
> …wait a minute!"
> Discord GM: Hmm, so I need to "reverse" this harmony petrifying me… I definitely can't just use chaos magic on it… And it looks like the girls have the advantage in any direct-assault scenario… What do \you\ think I should do?
> DM: Who, me?
> Discord GM: Yes, who else?
> DM: I don't know, he's \your\ avatar.
> Discord GM: Before I assumed his role, he was \your\ creation. Surely you have knowledge that he would have but I, a guest, would not. Come on, if you're going to put me in this situation, at least throw me a bone!
> DM: Fine, but this doesn't mean that I'm invested in your success any more than the ponies'.
> Discord GM: Harsh, but fair.