> Beau Monde: Normally called Beau, male unicorn whose talent is modelling (aw yeah, looking good is a talent). Full of himself and arrogant with little understanding for the value of hard work, Beau has skated by in life on his looks alone, and that's the way he likes it. Compliments are his bread and butter, parties and social events are his every day life. Not very close with his younger sister (2 year difference), occasionally hangs out with Razor Russet if he's not at a party with the Canterlot elite. Sexual preference: straight
> l'Amours Toujours: Normally called Amour, female unicorn whose talent is seeing the potential of business ventures. Rather savvy and smart, Amour has used her parents' connections to her advantage when starting up her own company, and keeps up good relations with ponies all over Equestria. Has great interest in the growing development of non-magic powered technologies. Good friends with Aria Allegra and Peridot, close with Maelstrom, and has business ties with Jam Sandwich and Drizzle (she's the pony everypony does know xD). Sexuality: bi