> Aurora 2
> Aurora, she has many title about her kindness and merciful, "The Golden Heart", "The Golden Maiden", "The Savior", "The Chosen One" and so on. She is a unicorn born with a different power than magic power. Her horn is pure gold, yet can use for magic and her own Golden Power.
> When she was born, her body shined with gold light, and her whole body is golden colour mane and fur. And the sky is appearing Golden Aurora in the same time, so her mother named her "Aurora". When she was filly, she had no horn, so she was always been mistaken as an Earth Pony. Until she went to kindergarten, then her horn started to grow out from her forehead.
> And in kindergarten, she is kind of a special living thing, her beautiful golden mane and fur attracted a lot ponies be her friend. Yet she noticed a lonely pony which had been discriminated by others because her outlook. But in her eye, that weird looking pony is very beautiful as she way look like. Aurora wanted to get close to that pony yet always being force to leave away by her friends who hate that weird pony. Although she had argued with them yet no results. Until 4th day of kindergarten, the weird pony disappeared. So, Aurora went to ask about it and she knew where she lived. And she desired to pay a visit……….
> After a long time, she knows the weird pony named Flutterozoa, a silence hybrid dragon pony who is a caring friend and willing to listen whatever she says. (well in this time, Flutterozoa is started to accept her as a friend) Aurora realizes that Flutterozoa is almost emotionless on her face, so is very hard to understand her feeling. So, Aurora as a filly, start to study phycological medical books. And because Flutterozoa, she found her talent very early age.
> After studied, she observes Flutterozoa every single action and all details of her actions. She finally can understand Flutterozoa's action meaning and her expression. She realized Flutterozoa is an activist, she rather action than talk. Aurora somehow loves to stay with Flutterozoa, she doesn't know why, yet she feels fully safe by her side and inner peace?, she doesn't understand.
> When in teenager age, Aurora is going to secondary school. No matter where she goes, she always be the shining star among others', so the bully and jealousy are targeting on her. In the starting, she tries to speak to them peacefully, yet those bullies even becoming more aggressive. She been beaten and almost raped. Then, she visited her best friend Flutterozoa, she didn't tell her about what she faces.
> Next day, she had been dragged to a hidden corner and had been beaten hard. But in this time, a monstrous monster appears and ***those bullies. Due to in protection situation, Aurora is very scare and just tries to protect herself. she doesn't notice the monster is Flutterozoa saved her. After Flutterozoa leaves, she faints away.
> When she awakes, she realizes that she is in hospital, with a lot bandages on her, especially her back left leg. she can feel that leg is not controllable, she cries and finally releases her fear and pressure from those bullies. In a half year treatment, she can use exoskeleton as a support for her disable back left leg which the bone of the leg has been broken heavily by those bullies. Those bullies now are hiding in their home and praying the monster will not find them.
> After leave hospital, she quickly goes to Everfree Forest and she sees Flutterozoa is waiting there. And surprisingly seeing Flutterozoa smiles on her, she is shocked yet very happy to see her best friend.
> After many years, she has reached 22 years old. In this time her special power "Golden Power" is awaking, each time she uses her golden power, she is shining with gold light like a holy angel, she uses golden power to treat a lot of patients which even the scientists and arcane researchers, even Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer are very curious of her golden power. After coop with Aurora, they found out that this golden power is a holy power which not only can heal any kind of sickness and even cancels, yet it also can disperse dark force and darkness in the inner part.
> Slowly a secret group has form, this secret group members are who have been treated by Aurora golden power and they believe Aurora is the savior to save the broken world. Aurora has been secretly protected by this secret group. And her talent of all medicals and phycological are be the first result in university and she has been given an opportunity in Royal Arcane Medical Center as a First Doctor. She accepts this opportunity gladly.
> But only few months, she has been summoned from Imperial order. She meets Flutterozoa at the entrance of the castle, and Flutterozoa naturally carries Aurora on her head and go inside together. In there, they meet other 4 members of The Beyond Team. And start from here, her story as The Golden Heart begins.