> {NG}~ Howdy!
> Apple Buck- Hey, ya lookin' for Golden?
> Fauna- I-uhhh…..
> ~
> yay, made a next gen drawing that DOES include my next gen. Fauna might be slender and tall, but Buck is a giant. Just like his uncle Mac, Buck was gangly and small when he was young, the size of a normal adult mare. But when his puberty hit, he had a massive growth spurt, and Mac being the only male in the family, he trained Buck to be a big, lumberjack body stallion. Buck almost never uses his horn, mainly beacuse he mostly uses his hands, since its easier. But when little he had some problems with his magic, having magic blasts that were powerful enough to make fire.
> Fauna had never seen Buck personally, maybe only once or twice when they were young when she would come over and hang out with Golden Apple. She only had the image of him being a gangly and small unicorn, as he would always be with Moma AppleJack, hiding between his legs. But one time when Fauna came to Sweet Apple Acres to go to the Spa, she saw a huge stallion, just like BigMac carrying loads of boxes filled with apple jam. She was confused as to who he was, and when he turned around she stared in shock at the stallion who before was a shy colt. Fauna felt her face heat up and heart thumping rapidly, as Buck took her hand for a hand shake but her hand just felt like jelly.
> Oh Fauna, Golden is gonna kill you if she knows you have a crush on her brother.
> Hope you guys like it~