> I live! Have a little collection of drawings I’ve been working on and off for a while, plus one I never posted. Was gonna fully render them all, but I realized one of the reasons I don’t post too often is I get too caught up in making everything I post “perfect”, even if just a silly little doodle. So I decided they were good with flat colors and gave myself a break.
> Top: Rarity would bring along her kids when checking in on her shops outside of Ponyville, especially when they were younger. Often during school breaks when there’s not too many chores that need to get done on the farm. Mainly as an excuse to have them all wear matching outfits together she made, as seen here. This is also how Spring Song got their love of cities. Little Spring was so dazzled by all the tall buildings and carriages the first time in Manehattan they would have gotten lost if it wasn’t for Sweet Blossom.
> Background is just a partial repainted screenshot from the show that I found from the https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Manehattan?file=Manehattan_background.png
> Middle left: Baby Spring and Mama Rarity! Just a little drawing of them together. Apple Jack likes to call Spring “Rarity’s mini me”.
> Middle right: Proud mom Fluttershy with all of her sleepy babies. owo
> I found this pin on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/pin/571183165342549183/sent/?invite_code=a5ce2d5737c14b7da38160e49a9ef421&sender=208150951436014393&sfo=1 and my mind immediately went to Flutters, so I had to draw it. The wings were a pain to get right tho, took me so long.
> Bottom: Summer was very outdoorsy as a kid (still is), and would play in a wooded area near her cottage. Exploring and climbing trees and hanging out in the little stick fort she built. Sometimes Juniper and Iris would tag along, much to her annoyance. Summer is about 10 here and Juniper and Iris are about 5 or 6ish.
> An illustration I had laying around for far longer than I'm willing to admit. I had it finished and the description written out for it….I just never posted it. Idk i guess i got worried it wasn’t good enough, put off posting it and then forgot about it…. gsxfdaefghfh
> Anyway it was inspired by the 'island background' illustrations Earthsong9405 (i think that’s what she called them?) was doing a while back and all of her beautiful loose painterly backgrounds.