
Bug has always been an enterprising equine, so of course, she would be the sort to plaster her moody mug on an ice lolly if given the opportunity. In this case, the grey glutton chose the citrusy flavours of sour lemon and sweet tangerine to be her scrumptious flavours, though I must confess it is still a little odd eating grey ice cream XD

A YCH I got from LennonBlack ( As I found it amusing, and it is just the sort of thing I could see Bug doing in an attempt to earn a few bits by merchandising her likeness. All in all I felt like this YCH was a solid deal as aside from this fun piece, it also included a vector reference for Bug for the neat price of $20, so if you have the brass I would recommend dropping him a dm if this has tickled your fancy ;)

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