
Jambalaya, quick! I need you! :noes:

Jambalaya: \yawns\ "What do you want?"

Now everypony knows you…and they all hate you! Nuu

Jambalaya: "Of course they do, they're jealous. Haters gonna hate. \yawns more\ Now if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of a nap…"

Not so quick. We must do something! Something to repair your image in the eyes of others! :dummy:

Jambalaya: "Not interested."

What do you mean, not interested?! It's your reputation we're talking about! \>:C

Jambalaya: "I don't care about others and how they see me…"

Well, I do. Here, hold this sign! We're going to put this around your neck.

Jambalaya: \reads sign\ "Nope. So much NOPE!"

Just let me find a rope that's strong enough…

Jambalaya: "I'm not putting that on…"

Yes, you are! Now let me do what I need to-…

Jambalaya: "I am NOT! It's embarassing…"

Come on! Don't be stubborn!

Jambalaya: "No."

…you are putting that sign on. End of the story.

Jambalaya: "Make me."

Slappy Fight Revamp FINALLY \a short fight follows\

A few moments later…

AWWWW JB, you look so PRETTY!

Jambalaya: "I hate you."

Hey, look, I'm early! :dummy: For once! :XD:

My submission for Day 10 of EQD's NATG! The prompt was to "Draw a pony doing something they wouldn't normally do", and who better than Jambalaya? :XD:
He would definitely NEVER do hugs, so I'd say he's perfect for this prompt :giggle:

As always, here's the sketch version for those of you that are interested :\) —\> Day 10 sketch

Oh, and I've opened the "Critique feature" for this drawing, in case anyone wants to give me a more detailed analysis on what I did well and on what could be improved, but don't feel obliged :D Regular comments are perfect too :\)


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