
so this will be sort of a long description so my bad

THIS is "storm" King Grimoire Spire [or Grimmy] he is the third Alicorn from a kingdom erased off the map and covered up. He was born a unicorn sorcerer living about the same time as Tia and Luna, he never met them but he heard their story of how they raised the sun and the moon unifying Equestria. as for how he became an Alicorn, he was just a simple apprentice who created the "SPELL OF DISPERSIA" the spell could "Erase" entire kingdoms, IE; erasing them off the map and from simple pony [or mortal] memories thus gaining himself his Alicorn wings. he was crowned king and chose his advisor the now known "STORM KING" [that name was stolen from him but we'll get to that] after years of the snow beast insisting that the princesses were evil and wanting to claim his kingdom he started a cold war, him and the princesses sent threats back and forth before he finally put his spell to good use hiding his kingdom from the rest of the world to protect himself and his citizens. after a few months His Goat advisor with the power of an artifact found stole Grimoires powers and name proceeded to decimate the land as he left leaving the kingdom empty and dead poor Grimmy was left weak and unable to contact help for eons till the fateful day the Mane 6 restored the princesses and his powers, though his were now less powerful.

SO thats his backstory im not the best at writing so i hope this was good enough and i hope you like this guy as much as i do!! ill do a cover over his powers later to help me explain how he was formerly known as the "storm king".


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