
Originally posted on: November 16, 2021, 2:00 AM UTC
> Abyss Twilight The Origin
> Bow, bow deeply to my body,
> She is the one, the only,
> We dedicate our skin, our flesh and blood,
> We will return to nothingness, to the only one,
> She is the creator of life and the mother of all things,
> We will dedicate my blood,
> We will contribute the flesh,
> We will remove the bones later,
> Let everything return to our only one,
> And the souls we are waiting for are finally free and sublimated.
> Bow, bow deeply to my spirit,
> She is the representative of all power,
> She is the fair maker,
> She is both Yin and Yang,
> We will follow her wishes, follow her rules, follow her justice,
> Go deep into her wishes,
> Delve into her rules,
> Deep into her justice,
> Let us understand the sin and suffering of the world,
> And the souls we are waiting for are finally liberated and returned.
> Bow, bow deeply to my soul,
> She is the all truth, the all wisdom,
> She breaks the rules and harvests everything,
> She, creates the sea of stars, creates everything,
> We are grateful to her for her charity, to be grateful for her gift, to understand her profound meaning,
> Accept her wisdom,
> Accept her knowledge,
> Accept her truth,
> Let everything return to her embrace,
> And we will finally get enlightened to the only truth in this world.
> 鞠躬,向我的身体深深鞠躬,
> 她是独一的,唯一的,
> 我们奉献我们的皮囊,我们的血肉,
> 我等将归于虚无,归于唯一,
> 她是生命的创造者和万物之母,
> 我等将献出我的血,
> 我等会贡献肉体,
> 我等会移除骨头,
> 让一切回归我们的唯一,
> 而我等所等待的灵魂,终于自由升华。
> 鞠躬,深深地向我的灵魂鞠躬,
> 她是一切权力的代表,
> 她是一个公平的制造者,
> 她既是阴,也是阳,
> 我等追随她的愿望,追随她的规则,追随她的正义,
> 深入她的心愿,
> 钻研她的规矩,
> 深入她的正义,
> 让我等着去了解世间的罪恶与苦难,
> 而我等一直在等待的灵魂终于被解放并归来。
> 鞠躬,深深地向我的灵魂鞠躬,
> 她是所有的真理,所有的智慧,
> 她打破规则,收割一切,
> 她,创造了星辰大海,创造了一切,
> 感谢她的施舍,感恩她的赐予,理解她的深意,
> 接受她的智慧,
> 接受她的知识,
> 接受她的真实,
> 让一切回到她的怀抱,
> 而我等最终会明白这个世界上唯一的真理。


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