> 16th Jun 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> Why did Discord put on a police uniform in my reinterpretation of the scene, you ask? Honestly, I'm so beyond rationalizing any of this.
> Discord: So here's the sitch. The Elements of Harmony got the band back together, so I can't properly plunge Equestria into chaos without them showing up to bust the festivities. What's worse, they landed a glancing blow on me while I made my escape. In about three days or so, I'll turn into stone regarldess of whether they're on-site to gloat or not. That is, \unless\… the Elements and their magic are defeated. See where I'm going with this?
> Tirek: You want to use my unique abilities to drain the current bearers of the Elements. Preserving your freedom and securing your rule. But if you can't take them on in a straight fight, how do you expect me to fare better?
> Discord: Through the power of teamwork!
> Tirek: Really. Never took you for the type.
> Discord: Oh no, I won't be joining you in combat. With my help, you won't have to skulk in the night to gain power. You'll have every ounce of Equestrian magic to yourself in no time!
> (beat)
> Tirek: Are you familiar with my brother Scorpan?
> Discord: Passingly.
> Tirek: He's the reason I don't do "teams."