"I have to be honest, I can't tell you my full name."
He grabbed her gloved limb, gently brushing aside her bangs. "That's fine with me." Hol whispered.
"I'm not sure if we'll have tomorrow," his sea blue eyes softened ",but please, just till midnight" He caressed her cheek, gazing intently "I want to tell you how wonderful I think you are."
"Till midnight…" The words were but a wisp in the air, as the two leaned forward.
He felt a tug at his sleeve.
"Hol Horse?" Boingo squeaked out above him, as he struggled to have him sit upright.
"You're going to miss out on dinner." The boy gently nudged a plate of mashed potatoes and carrots.
Hol's head staggered forward, emanating a large squelch.
"Hol!" Boingo yelped.
"There was another minute left." Hol nasally responded. ————————————————————-
I really love fairytales~ I find myself coming back to that theme again and again, whether in writing or in art
Listening to Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella (…like 3 different adaptations of such after the original 1957 one xD) while writing for another pairing in Jojo's. It got me thinking about writing a line where Hol Horse wakes up offhandedly saying how he couldn't go after the mysterious woman/mare of his dreams- just a light wink and a nudge so to speak.
Then I went to doodling, and then decided to finish up what ya see here~
Its likely not going to be exactly what I drabbled up considering it's not much of a focus compared to another character's dreams, but it's still fits in thematically speaking I believe.
Either way, just that sweet old mush~ 
TL;DR I adore fairytales, Cinderjack prettyyy and it is 5 am