but this took me forever haha ;v;
Christmas freebies are #1-6
1. midnightpremiere
2. SirenAnimations
3. AmythestDiamond
4. glowb
6. EStories
I am very sorry if i did not draw your pony i was seriously tired after only drawing 3 ;v;
And i was feeling kind of stressed since i have lots of birthdays and gifts to get through during Christmas >v>'''
Gifts for friends and awesome people:
7. [Here-for-the-ponies](https://here-for-the-ponies.deviantart.com/) A super awesome guy who gave me lots of tips! He's super nice and has amazing art >v<
8. [TwitchaTwitch86](https://twitchatwitch86.deviantart.com/) A really, really really (really x10) nice (nice powers over 9000) person who i met when i just joined DA and my art sucked lol. He's a really great guy and has some awesome photos and really neat traditional vector art c:
9. [bdiddy20128](https://bdiddy20128.deviantart.com/) Another amazing dev member that commented on my art all the time when i had just joined DA and my art was really nasty haha
10. [Katputze](https://katputze.deviantart.com/) Amazing person who draws really amazing pictures! ;v; Her art is really unique and you should go check her out <3
11. [MasterVule](https://mastervule.deviantart.com/) Because he comments on all my art even after i stopped replying to comments ;v;
The last 5 are people have made my time on DA so much happier and better. Thank you so very much! ;w;
and thank you to every other person who has ever looked at my art, commented, faved, watched or anything else. Every single one! \`v\`